Dirty Rotten Imbecile

Happy father’s day!

NP for no other reason than you could cruise around all day with your buddy repeating “Say car ramrod.”

4.3 star-rated DEWALT electric pancake compressor

4.3 star-rated DEWALT electric pancake compressor

I work in a blue collar profession. Years ago you may see a balanced mix of cars and trucks in the parking lot, now it’s 90% trucks, the vast majority of which never see truck duty. The unspoken attitude seems to be you aren’t a “real man” unless you’re driving a full size pickup with 4wd. Personally I think it’s

This. Seed all the teams 1 through 16.

Rudy CAN fail!

Finally, an NFL player Trump can support.

It’s by all measures an awful car, but we miss it still. Says more about us I suppose.

Afflalo is the best Hulk.

I’m going to say it but it’s probably not true, these two need to stick to sports.

Frederick Douglass would do an amazing job.

He should change his name to Richie Overt.

“So youre the Home Depot guy right? I’m going to need a deal on some materials, building a wall from Texas to California, that’s right all fifty miles.”

I’ll never, ever understand the fascination with flying the confederate flag, but next to the American flag? THEY ARE DIAMETRICALLY OPPOSED!!!

“My diaper is bigger and more powerful one, and it actually works!”

I work in Durham and am familiar with the area. Part of the problem may be about 100 yards before the bridge the road narrows and there’s a busy crossswalk connecting two shopping areas. While driving I’m so concerned with avoiding hitting pedestrians I’ve never noticed the warnings signs. Of course my Subaru just

Say what you will about his hair, but I think Lyle Loving is a talented singer.