Seems like a case of Casual Cruelty.
Seems like a case of Casual Cruelty.
His rehab team reportedly includes Guy and his Homey Rob Base.
It's time for Guy and his homey Rob Base to step it up.
Fucking Gritty, man.
Wait, that’s it? Where’s the part where they call the driver something insanely racist and then grab his peen? This is downright quaint in comparison to most athlete/Uber videos.
I think the criticism was less about them not getting the reference, more about drawing a penalty when the game was still tight.
But if they catch just a FEW breaks along the way, they’re easily 3-29 over that stretch.
The woman at 5:04 will haunt my dreams.
Eking out a win against a bad team to go 3-2 or losing to a bad team to drop to 2-3 doesn’t much matter. Either way, Dallas has no passing game whatsoever, so they have no shot at contending.
A galaxy of stars.
Waiting for the racist part.
Another pro tip: Don't wear long sleeves in sweltering heat.
Is this a reboot of The Great Santini?
Growing up, I always saw my grandmother do this. Didn't understand it then, don't understand it now.
You should smile more often. :)
Nice story and all, but I haven't forgiven him for abusing that poor lady at the towing company. Anyone who will tell a perfect stranger to lose some weight is a bully.
This is the bitterness of a man who’s realizing he’ll be a Brown this year.
Got the NES Classic tonight, so this song is perrrfect. Time to crush a Big Gulp and get some Cheeto dust on the controller for old time's sake.
Not nearly enough respec for this.
Was the Purdue anchor out of gas, or was she GLORY GAL’ing it?