Bryan McAlister

This is absolutely what the right wing wants for America.

The problem with most white folks is that many of them will apologize or excuse this kind of behavior. They see it as an anomaly instead of its true endemic nature. When white people decide, en masse, that they need to hold themselves to a higher standard, hopefully we will see less of this kind of behavior. There’s

If their parents aren’t straight up modeling this behavior, they’re ignoring it. As someone who’s constantly debating my All Lives Matter, “Kaepernick isn’t playing because his stats” coworkers, I never underestimate the ability for white people to gaslight themselves into an oblivious wonderland where they’re not

Why aren’t white people tired of seeing the next generation make a permanent record of their shitty behavior? Where are the white community leaders to set a positive example for their children?

1) “The boy’s uncle, Lyrik Martin, who also posted photos of his injuries on social media, wrote in a post that he wasn’t sure the attack was racially motivated”