I'll put the kettle on (again)

Oh I’m back as I totally outed myself when I said what I do. There aren’t many of me here. Hey ho.

deleted cos Dox Sorry!

Well, wow. (full disclosure I’m a publisher in the UAE) and your story is amazing., but.... where are YOU from and how were you able to adopt?

Bowing down to you....Ae you in the US? I was going through the paliative process in the UK and then....I met a man who couldn’t handle the palliative process (who could I guess!) and I chose him over the kids and I hate myself for it. I ran away. I think you are Amazing x

Wow! You are brilliant! How young is “young age?”Not that it matters. I’m ashamed to say stopped my fostering (pallietive -he couldn’t handle it and / adoption ideals some 16 years ago) and I’m not proud of it. I would love to talk to you outside of here.

Yep and yeppers. I always thought I’d adopt first and birth second (as a very right-on student and I haven’t really changed). Since then, here I am, sans kids, and I honestly think my fabulous friends have produced the quota for the next generation.

This is where I go ARGH! people shouldn’t have more than “a certain number” of kids” Shit. Oh god, I’m horrible... Shit. Im nearly 48 and am thinking about adopting. I’ve had 2 abortions. Haalp.

@RogueSNRAdvisor is most likely a spurious account (but I love it none the less) and they are saying Dr Jackson lied:

Twitter has MADE MY DAY TODAY! Have you seen that the word “Shithole” was projected onto Trumps’ Washington Hotel?

PS: As you can tell by my Avatar I’m a “Peep Show” fan and I urge everyone to watch it if you like off the wall British comedy :-)

I’m outside the US, so probably have different things available to me, but I spent this weekend eating cheese and watching “The End of the ****ing World” (dark comedy short UK series) “Mr Roosevelt” and “Comedians and Cars Getting Coffee” LOVED all of them.

These 3 things are my go-to to make sure I get a decent amount of protein and veggies.

I can’t afford help either. I’ve found (unexpectedly) some of the reddit forums really helpful and supportive. I don’t comment, I just read. St Johns’ Wort and cutting down on alcohol (which I always seemed to find money for) are helping me too I think. Don’t take St John’s Wort if you’re on the pill. Do you have a

Growing out a pixie is hard going! I’m at the chin length bob stage now and for the last year I’ve been getting the back kept cut very short to have some vague semblance of length at the front. I always get a pixie when I feel that I’ve damaged my hair too much through colouring etc. but no more! I feel too exposed

Why not both *Meme*

Oh look - the tweet has been deleted! :-0

First twitpics are showing a very poor turn out for Jones and a huge crowd at Moores :-(

His accent! The person filming it laughing! Perfect vine is perfect.

But....but.....her armrest!