1969stanpoulan .


Sorry you don't know what culture is beyond boats and hoes.

The courts found him innocent.
Just like O.J

That kind of language will get you beat up. Sorry the truth hurts. Better stay in the ghetto Where it's safe for you.

I thought you blocked me? You just can't stand the thought that you are wrong and have absolutely no concept of the judicial system. What you fail to mention is that this occurred in a gated community which are often patrolled by the residents that live there. I live in one and work nights. Once I get home I take my

Absolutely love when people can't backup a discussion and block you. Shitboxhero

Listen to yourself. Babbling like an old lady. I'm sorry but in my America if you are found not guilty by a court of law that means you are free go as you please.
See where I'm coming from?

If you had paid any attention and looked outside of your dark colored glasses you would remember that he had wounds to the back of his head and that Martin was shot from a position of being on top of someone. It was all in the court documents.
Sorry my friend. Can't blame this one on White privilege because Zimmerman

Zimmerman didn't pull out the gun until he was getting his skull bashed into the sidewalk. That's why I said it was obvious.

That's obvious

How so? If someone was trying to kill you and you killed them in self defense would you be guilty of committing murder? Murder is purposely killing someone without cause.

When you're trying to kill someone and they kill you in self defense I'm pretty sure that's not murder. Poor choice of words in this story.