Maybe they wouldn't have won at Le Mans, but nearly all of them achieved great success with other companies and teams. Or to put it another way, Ford or Ferrari needed them more than they did.
Maybe they wouldn't have won at Le Mans, but nearly all of them achieved great success with other companies and teams. Or to put it another way, Ford or Ferrari needed them more than they did.
All true, BUT without those two aging, overweight peacocks, all those other guys wouldn’t have had the opportunity to strut THEIR stuff!
A great book, to be sure, but I grew tired of the focus on Henry Ford and Ferrari, who come off as a couple of aging overweight peacocks strutting around for dominance over everything and everybody. The real heroes were the builders, team managers, and the drivers, especially Ken Miles, who had to be one of the…
What, I regularly discuss serious felonies with strangers online and then arrange meetings to see if they’re actually criminals. Doesn’t everyone?
It took something this depraved to bump 45 from that spot.
“McElyea and Crawford talked for about two and a half weeks before meeting, and agreed Crawford would pay between $50 and $75 for “oral both ways and just straight sex” with the father watching.”
I don’t say this easily, but if the reporting is true, thank god he’s dead.
Or me, back in the old days, when I was “....sneakin’ Sally through the ally....”
You’re a buffoon.
White men are inherently privileged in western culture.
It is not racist to acknowledge this fact.
Sincerely, a white guy
First ever article about a rich kid buying a ride.
They didn’t choose to be born exorbitantly rich, and white guys on top of that.
What’s the point of this article? Pettiness? Envy? Jealousy? Gotta knock a rich white boy down? Is this ‘journalism’?
Nobody does forensic video analysis of car clips like Jalops. Have a star.
Get off the track, bitch! Get over the Armco!
Now that is the person you want recording your laps!
She must’ve been taking on-board video. That’s some footage I’d like to see (and hear).
Too much too fast followed by using the brakes to complete the rotation.
“even Honda cars have dropped below Honda truck sales”
When you’re standing next to it, make sure you’re between traffic and the car to eliminate as many escape vectors as possible.