
A car that just oozes cool.

That is a nice car. Just sayin’.

Took me a minute, but I see what you did there. Please accept one star.

Same here. I think the bikes are properly fresh without losing their Harley heritage, but if they’re still $25K no one will go near them.

Yup, it is great that they are branching out, but if their prices don’t come down, it is all for naught.

My first thought looking at their streetfighter was, “Oh, a new Buell.”

Killing Buell has to Harley’s fourth-biggest mistake, behind “make the bikes loud and obnoxious,” “only market to baby boomers,” and “jack the price up without improving quality”

They would be better off just selling bacon.

I like the models shown. I like that they have gotten away from building 1950's bikes for 2020 money. I think price will determine success.

I wonder if Harley is regretting that they screwed up Buell? 

Not new here. Don’t need a hug. Have been reading these sites since they were Gawker.

As I mentioned elsewhere: Bottas was ordered by Mercedes to let Ricciardo pass, and with good reason. The team knew what was coming and acted very PR-wise.

“Fuck! What a fucking joke all the fucking time with this shit, honestly.”

What?? I’m honestly not convinced you watched this race.


That’s not a hair do...that’s a hair don’t.

I’ve seen the real thing Brad, I share your love, I don’t share the ugly....yes, the overhang is ungainly by today’s standards, but ugly? Oh well, you know what they say, beauty, and contact lenses, are in the eye of the beholder....

You loudly proclaim in the headline that the car is ugly, then say nothing about why.  Clickbait, ahoy?

Same ones who cost us tax payers MILLIONS of dollars every year by flicking them out into the tinder dry brush and burning down forests and homes. If we weren’t wasting resources for petty fires like that we could better spread them on the natural caused fires currently destroying the West and ruining our air. 

“give them a place to put their cigarette butts that aren’t a) flicked out of their window onto my car”

The disgusting cunts that do this are gonna do it no matter what. Litterbugs are awful.