
I owned you yesterday. All you’re doing is projectile vomiting. Every single person here has shown that you’re just a troll.

Dunno... But I’ve mysteriously been greyed out all week for some unknown reason despite being here for years...

I will be flagging every single one of your replies

Aren’t you getting tired of getting owned on this site? Its so easy to do too.

Excellent. Enjoyed every minute of it

Oh shut up. Now you’re just vomit-projecting more horse shit. And if you didn’t vote for either then you’re a part of the problem and I don’t want to hear your whining and bellyaching. If you didn’t vote then you don’t have a dog in this fight. Calling me an asshole is pretty ironic considering that again- and sorry

Oh come on.... now you’re just self-projecting. Sure- its funky and weird. Kind of in a throwback 1980's way that probably tickles you. But no- this wouldn’t have “saved” Mitsubishi. There’s been a whole slew of weird cars ( eh-hem... Azteck ) that failed to sell very well. I bet had that never been sold you’d be

I keep on getting “greyed out” for some weird reason. maybe I said something that annoyed someone. Anyway... I’ve always felt Chrysler stuff was either amazing or awful. I have a friend who had a 96' Jeep Cherokee and he managed to put over 500,000 miles on it and he didn’t exactly take very good care of it. OTOH I

First of all- Can I p-p-please be taken out of the grays?

Are the designers at BMW asleep? This looks pretty much the same as all of the other cars they’ve made over the past 6-7 years.

So fucking ugly...

... And what in the fuck do you think is happening? Our entire country is very much indeed suffering as a result, whether its from the idiotic tariffs nobody asked for, the non-stop assault on our constitutional rights, and the outright shame that this man and his cadre’ of assholes has brought to our country as a

And why is this a good thing? Hey! Let’s go damage a car for no good reason! PS: Why am I gray? I’ve been here for years

Why should I read something that isn’t accurate? I already posted a link to recent stats that back my claim. Your response to me was wrong in the first place. Stop being a sore loser.

No, and thanks for playing, but more people in red states are on welfare, more people in red states are on government assistance programs, and to further illustrate this, here is a nice, handy chart made just a few months ago:

No I’m not. What are you talking about? BTW, how difficult is it for you to come here and spout what you know is horse shit and still manage to at least appear to be serious about it? You sound like a fool.

Trump supporters are already undeveloped people who tend to use a lot of welfare, take shitty jobs and suck more from government. Maybe instead we should deport them and save the country lots of money. Sound good?

Secure the fucking border from what? Bullshit. How about worry about things that are actually worrisome? Like heart disease, cancer, traffic accidents and other threats that are real versus the imaginary shit Republicans shit out of their holes.

How does that even make any fucking sense? You do realize that over 90% of California’s population disapproves of Trump, right? That and our state’s economy is now bigger than the UK’s? So why should we suffer when if it were up to us Trump would still be hosting some shitty reality show and more or less be the joke

Let me help correct your statement because clearly you some sort of cognitive disconnect. Trump got elected because approximately 40% or so of the country is either racist, really stupid, or both. It had nothing to do with anything you stated.