
Yeah, I know.... and I work in marketing myself and have worked with some really dumb sounding brands. Sometimes its literally about finding a name- even a nonsense name- that nobody has taken. I once worked for a startup from the ground floor and we spent over a month trying to find a name that wasn’t taken. It was

Can’t startups think of other names that are totally idiotic sounding? Whatever happened to good... “old-fashioned” names... Like: General Electric, General Motors, Standard Oil, Bill’s BBQ?

Who cares what these Republican clowns think? So they’re suddenly appalled? Like they should’ve been pretty damned appalled the second Trump opened his mouth as a candidate. But after 15 months of nonstop bullshit behavior finally they say something bad against Trump? I have no compassion for their concerns and I have

Ha ha ha!! good one

... Yet at then end of the day his supporters will never-ever, ever admit that they made a huge fucking mistake. Just another day where some 40% of the US population eagerly betrays not only themselves but our country.

I cannot help but see the insane irony here: The right has been accusing the left of trying to be communists and socialists for years. And yet we have a president who seems wayyyy too willing to bend over backwards for a communist/socialist dictator. And yet his supporters are probably jubilant. Screw them. I don’t

Pretty lame. You can buy a nice set of speakers pretty cheap these days. In fact it seems that people these days have totally forgotten what good speakers are supposed to sound like versus the dinky little bluetooth speakers that passes for “good” audio. Me? I have a 60's-era amp with 70's era Bose speakers that will

You’ve got to be joking, right? If there’s something that those who drive BMW’s, Mercedes, Audis and whatever like its that they like knowing that everyone can see that they’re driving a BMW, Mercedes, Audi, or whatever. If they didn’t go out and trade in their bimmers for Cadillacs they probably won’t do it for a

Oh go fuck yourself moron. You guys are the least patriotic bunch of assholes this country has ever seen and we- the true patriots- will set things right sooner or later.

Its basically a go-cart with a mower hood. I used to race riding mowers and this would have never passed inspection.

Its not that she regularly sits back there but that she uses the car for some of her hiking and socializing activities and some of her friends are as tall as she is and so she doesn’t want them to hit their heads back there

Its not that she regularly sits back there but that she uses the car for some of her hiking and socializing activities and some of her friends are as tall as she is and so she doesn’t want them to hit their heads back there

Thanks for the review. We own a 7 year old Volt and I had my eyes set on a 2nd gen Volt. The problem is that my wife is around 6 feet tall and had issues sitting in the back of the new Volt. That and the Volt only sits 4. I’ve seen the Claritys around here and they are sort of ok looking. But I wonder if the back

I feel ya man. Its all pretty surreal.

I think we will eventually get out of this but we won’t be the same country afterwards. We are now more or less two countries and the only thing that provides a degree of hope is that there are more of “us” than “them”. That and hopefully from now on people will take voting a lot more seriously.

I seriously at this point don’t think he will lose the 2020 election. As far as I’m concerned this country has way too many gullible, stupid people in it. That and unless the Democrats come up with someone who is every bit as much of a loudmouth with a sort of asshole attitude to match Trump’s we will see the exact

You nailed it. Trump himself to me is more of a freak. The man is totally off his rocker- or so to speak, and the levels of gross incompetence is appalling.

Yeah. Maybe if we make it through this eventually it will be “funny”. But now? Its a goddamned nightmare and its astounding to me that nobody in Washington seems to have an inkling of an idea of what to do about it. Pretty much the entire Senate voted against these tariffs and yet Trump is going right along with it

And I knew I would get at least one response from a brainwashed trump supporter. You guys are smoking crack. So you seriously praise a man who on one hand scolds our closest and most important allies and yet bends over backwards to praise the likes of Putin and Kim? You think its great that his agenda is rife with

I stopped trying to come up with a thought process that makes sense out of the total asinine bullshit this “administration” spews out daily. Whatever we learned in school about checks and balances in government is also total bullshit: Clearly there is a major flaw when a maniac can somehow get elected and then proceed