

Interesting commentary and I agree 100% that if there is anything to the investigation its probably related to illegal financial activity. 

Why can’t this company just design their own cars versus making copies of Porsches? They seem to do really nice work and obviously have the skills. I just can’t bring myself to have the same level of respect for them versus a company that makes their own unique designs.

As someone who keeps up with this stuff I cannot even remember all of the potential “bombshells” tied to Trump. I think its more that Americans- both liberal and conservative- have become the equivalent of frogs being slowly and unknowingly brought up to a boil. We’ve come to almost expect this admin to be overflowing

I suspect the GOP will go through extraordinary lengths to protect Trump regardless, yes. The crucial bit will be whatever the outcome of the midterm elections are. I doubt the investigation will be done by then, but if the Dems take back the house they will be in more of a position of power to apply pressure to the

Everything that’s been mentioned has actually happened: As others have mentioned some 20+ people have already been indicted. No conspiracy here. Its called the wheels of justice turning. And as I mentioned- this is an incredibly complicated investigation. I also should remind you that Mueller is actually a Republican

This is an incredibly complicated situation with numerous parties involved and possible numerous offenses. It took around 2 years for the Watergate investigations to conclude with Nixon. Watergate is basically a tiny pinprick of an event compared to what Trump and his campaign have undoubtedly committed. Mueller and

I watched this thing live. If anyone else did the one nugget I got out of it was Mr. Strzok’s opening comments: Its pretty clear the FBI knows an awful lot about Trump and the Russian thing. Probably much more than what we do. Something tells me we will find out at some point and when we do it will be buy-bye for

This bothers me more so than Trump himself. That somehow we have something like 41% of the country’s population being totally OK with the behavior of a president and a party that on a daily basis gets closer and closer in exhibiting authoritarianism. That for the rest of us its so crystal clear that none of this is

Maybe, maybe not. Perhaps if another one is bought they should get lo-jack. BTW, just looked up the prices of those cars used: Holy crap! The prices are insanely high!

Buy another CTS-V wagon.

So you didn’t do anything, correct? And instead you’re back to hurling childish and immature insults? How old are you? 12?

Well did you? Its pretty simple. You can continue calling me names- which solves nothing and only serves to spread the nasty hate that Trump loves- or you can do something positive. So did you donate or did you not?

Did you donate yet or are you going to continue acting immature and calling me names, like Trump would do?

You don’t know me. I don’t know you. But your behavior is ironically very similar to the way Trump acts. So congratulations. You seem like an asshole and so maybe you and him would get along just swell.

Haven’t you got better things to do up there in Canada? Like maybe having pancakes with maple syrup on em’? Look- This is OUR problem and we ARE dealing with it. And we WILL deal with it in due time. Mid terms are coming up and every indication shows a blue sweep of the house.

You sound fucking nuts. And you are a pussy. And you are insane. Now grow up.

You sound partially insane.

Violence is never the solution to an issue. As bad as things are the system is working towards a solution. Trump’s former lawyer is about to reveal everything he knows about Trump. There are innumerable investigations against Trump, his campaign, and his family members. People are going to jail. Trump can pardon at

They want to be another of those brands for gentrified people who buy local artisan bread and send their kids to private schools.