
Yay stock photography...

So is this site shutting down? It seems that there have been an awful lot of people leaving.

If I had the choice I’d probably go with the Bolt: Mainly because they can be serviced at ordinary GM dealerships across the country and that my Volt has been reliable and so I assume the Bolt can’t be that bad either. But after having ridden in the Model 3 its definitely a way different car. Lots of really carefully

The Prius lost money for Toyota for years. The Chevy Volt initially cost GM $40,000 more than for what it sold for. And so on. That Tesla has a waiting list for their products shows the have a product in high demand.

Another way to look at it: Amazon. It and many other now household name tech firms lost money for

... But they do. All the time.

... Ok... so instead of contributing to the debate you’re going to simply hurl insults? Way to show us all how mature you are...

Well, you could take just about all you have written and apply that to just about any car company currently in existence. Like GM going bankrupt, and Chrysler having to be saved by the government. All because of idiotic product and financial decisions they made. You could say the same about Volkswagen and their

I guess for me its disappointing that there seems to be wayyyy too many people who simply want Tesla to fail regardless of whatever they do. Do they have problems? Sure.

What really makes me angry is that EVERY single year starting as soon as the sun goes down I can hear what sounds like WW3 happening over in Oakland and even in the town I live in. Just dumbfounding to me given that as I speak the skies around the bay are orange with smoke from huge forest fires 75 miles away. I

Native Tennessean guy here too. But I moved to California 20 years ago. And wouldn’t you know that my next door neighbor is perhaps about 1 of 5 Trump supporters in the city I live in...

Where do you people come from?

Oh- so You think Trump is your Daddy? That makes more sense now given the typical trump supporter’s unhealthy worship and praise of that guy...

Uh- you really need to edit your post to have “ end sarcasm” because I totally missed that...

And you conservative shitheads make me giggle

And for the folks in California: please don’t get ANY fireworks. Half of the state is on fire anyway.

It makes me very happy actually because its carcass will be used to make BBQ grills, razor blades, and paper towel holders.

But like I said- look at the picture: those are fully assembled units. The units themselves are also clean. So its not like there’s dirt being introduced to them in any meaningful way. They appear to being moved to wherever they’re supposed to go and be installed.  Its not like the workers are taking them apart and

We’re having crazy weather here in Northern California: Smoke. Yesterday was like being outside at dusk all day with a weird orange haze of smoke covering everything. The same today. Huge fires some 75 miles away are actually bringing smoke but my car was covered in ashes too. Sort of scary.

You guys are being ridiculous. Those are fully sealed units being moved from one area to another. You think that’s bad? So exactly what do you think happens when those same components wind up being stuck out on freeways in the rain, snow, dirt, and whatever?

.... and yet despite all of that perfect cleanliness the average Mercedes tends to wind up having tons of annoying issues within a few years of ownership. So I’m not impressed with the images anyway