
Big effin’ deal... Its oil and grease. Maybe you should go to any number of shops, mechanics or whatever and whine to them about the “dirt” and see what the reaction is

I personally don’t give a shit anymore. We have a president who probably did something illegal. Surrounded by people who have been caught doing illegal things. Along with other people who are actively doing unethical things. Supported by millions who seem to not care. And so far nothing has happened. We still have a

Uh... those are white tables and will show even a fingerprint.

I commute to and from work along the 880 freeway and pass by fremont daily. I can tell they’ve been ramping up production: there is a non-stop procession of semi trucks loaded with Model 3's both morning and night. 

So I assume you passed this along to the Police.... right?

No. They just fill the minds of the ignorant with xenophobia and thus the propagation of gun violence we now see

Seems like there were an awful lot of cars that were way too new for being there. Maybe a better job curating next time.

I live in California but am from Tennessee originally. I’ve lived here 20 years and now every time I go back home and get on the little puddle jumper plane for the last leg I wonder how in the fuck the plane will make it off the ground: literally EVERYONE on the plane but me are fat as fuck.

if its Austrian its probably going to be ridiculously sweet. You need hot weather to grow most decent wines- even white varietals. Then again seeing as how its a German car company they of course would neeeeever consider any of those inferior French/Spanish/Italian/California wines...

Trump and his supporters are idiots.

Actually... I think it looks pretty good!

The trailer and the car are way too large for that van to be hauling.

But its not really.... a “Buick”. Instead its a Opel with a Buick badge. Put aside all of those old granny-mobile stereotypes and just look at the car. To me its actually a good looking car that stands out a bit from the other wagons of today, which look less like wagons and more like bulgy crossovers.

I really don’t like Seinfeld’s sense of humor. He sort of comes off as an asshole. So I won’t be watching this show to say the least.

Let me assure you that as a “white person” that I and literally everyone in my family and all of my friends are just as horrified as everyone else with a functioning brain. Whats happening now is getting awfully close to feeling like what the days leading up to the third reich and that is frightening.

That’s interesting because the Model 3 I drove was pretty nicely put together. Was it as nice as the Model S or an upper trim BMW? No, but then again its an entry level EV. Its certainly nicer than most cars in its price range.

Oh really? So have you actually sat in an iPace yet? Have you driven a Model 3? I have and the car seemed pretty nice to me. I really and truly don’t get the comments regarding Tesla and their build quality because the fit and finish on the one I drove was better than the vast majority of cars I’ve been in, even some

Keep in mind that the Model 3 costs almost 40% less than the ipace yet goes just as far...

Is it me or is Lincoln kind of getting their shit together? This actually looks pretty good even though I don’t really like crossovers. It wouldn’t look out of place from any other medium luxury level vehicles like an Audi X5.

I’ve had a few anxiety attacks and wouldn’t wish it upon my worst enemies. It seriously feels like you’re having a heart attack. It also totally screws with your brain.