
This is about the only SUV I’ve seen in years that I would go out and buy tomorrow if it were sold here.

Too bad that Sessions will be going to hell.

This admin is evil. Plain and simple. Evil

Could’ve fooled me. It more or less looks like every other BMW already in production.

Good thing they wern’t full: It would’ve been a shit storm.

This- out of the mountains of awful shit this admin has done for me rises absolutely to the top. It is unfathomably awful. It is inhumane. It absolutely makes me not only outraged but scared and ashamed at the same time.

I thought the name of the company was a joke. That’s hilarious that its real!

As a history buff there is always the tiny thought in the back of my head about the fact that when the Nazis rose to power in 1933 that it took several years for many of their most heinous crimes to fully develop into fruition. Are we heading that way? I seriously doubt it. But that this thought has occurred to me is

Honestly, I think Kinja is shit too. I mean unless somehow you manage to hop on and be one of the first respondents to a story it will get utterly buried and nobody will ever see it. I have no clue why this system was chosen as its the opposite of how every other commenting section I’ve seen where the newer comments

There have been a number of large buildings in Detroit that have gone from being hopelessly ruined to amazingly restored. For example check out the Book Cadillac, a huge hotel that sat abandoned and open to the elements for decades:

Seems to me that various reports confirm what I’d mentioned:

Very interesting stuff. I had heard about the differences in import duties and classification of vehicles that varies from country to country. We have our own weird import laws dating back to the 90's where all foreign automakers were required to produce something like 65% of their cars here. And so from the 90's

My financial advisor has been changing their positions in preparation and so too are many other folks I know who work in the financial biz. We are peaking in many areas: Housing, stocks etc. We’re definitely overdue..

Oh yes. Probably one of the guests leaned over to the others and asked: “Pardon me, but could you please pass the Grey Poupon?”

Trump is engineering us into a recession. Good. If there’s one thing alone that will finally scare the shit out of his idiotic supporters its a recession, at which point they’ll blame him. A recession is being predicted to come within the next year anyway. Perfect for the 2020 elections where the recession can easily

Well, the problems is that the road systems in the EU and the US are entirely different. Whereas in many parts of the EU the roads are narrow, twisty and probably dating back 100's of years here in the US we have giant, straight freeways. And so large cars and trucks sell well here. That and culturally the full sized

I didn’t vote for Trump, nor do I support any of his policies, and I am disgusted by his racism and his bigoted supporters. In fact all of my friends whom are white feel the same as I do. So you see there are Trump supporters and there are many- as in 60% of the country- who don’t. Its that simple. So no: Its not

Good. I feel that every other person I know who’s into bitcoin is utterly clueless about how it works. Yes- the idea of cryptocurrency is promising and could be useful. But as an investment its atrocious.

Does it have wheels?

This whole thing makes me furious. The “president” spends all kinds of time playing golf at one of his shitty resorts. And yet small children are being separated from their parents due to HIS actions. This is an outrage. This is not the country that my grandfathers fought for. This is just plain straight up evil and