
I’ve never thought Audis in general are very attractive looking cars. They’re just a bit too bubbly and rounded.

Actually most of the state is very rural. We will occasionally go up into the Sierra foothills and it might as well be Alabama in some areas, complete with bro-trucks, camo clothing, crappy pop country, and cheap shitty beer. Its refreshing every once in awhile to get away from the overly gentrified bay area.

Hipsters are probably losing their shit over this thing. Its a good thing it won’t be sold in the US: Then all of their overpriced Vanagons would suddenly become a lot less cool...

It looks like a Hyundai

I know quiet a few folks here at the office who own a Bolt and yes- previously stated, almost all of them are getting more than 250 miles of range and usually more, regardless of the weather or their driving habits.

Its rated at 250 miles and many people who own them have reported as high as 300 miles. That’s a pretty long range...

I don’t really like them either. The cars look like big jelly beans on wheels.

Just looked at his Instagram account: His taste in watches is kind of cheesy. Oh well. Whatever floats yer boat.

Pretty underwhelming.

The big question many feel including myself is are the “good ole days” of Apple, when at almost every event they would announce some crazy, insanely desirable piece of technology gone? Sorry but I can’t help but feel that the last few events have been not exactly amazing: new versions of the iPhone. A watch that

Whoops. Double post

Same here and if people today saw what we did with my Mom’s 85' Camry they’d probably keel over. Back then Camrys were tiny. Like Honda Civic tiny. Me and my parents and brother in his car seat would get in that thing along with all four of our bikes hanging from a bike rack off the trunk while pulling a small popup

I know this is not really a nice thing to say but I swear not only are almost all of the trump admin folks ugly people on the inside but they’re pretty fugly on the outside too. Maybe if you are an awful person that also transforms you into an ugly looking person as well.

The “good” thing is that if then recession hits then Trump will probably lose the next election...

Well, its because Tennesseans as a rule still use mules for their weekend travel needs. I should know since I am a native after all.

Deep down inside you know I’m pretty much on the money

Because California has 40 million people and whatever laws we make the nation itself will have to accept: No automaker will make just a california-only compliant vehicle. Its much more to do with providing guidance to other states that don’t give a rat’s ass.

Sorry, but you’re out of your league and your response doesn’t deserve my time. Come back when you have actual credible information.

Well, No. 6 is pretty decent for the Prius considering whenever I go home to visit my folks in TN I’m lucky to see any at all. Its a very stark contrast. Here you’ll see a shit ton of Teslas, Priuses, Volts, Bolts, Leafs, etc etc etc and in fact we own a Volt too and are usually in the carpool lane with all the other

In most states the F-150 is the best selling vehicle by a huge margin. In California one of the best selling cars is the Prius.