
1st gear:
This will fail. Why? Because most of the people in California, unlike a lot of those red trump-lovin’ states do in fact care about the environment and actually demand higher fuel economy standards. The consumer always picks what they want and trying to reverse engineer that isn’t going to work.

maybe if they... you know... came out with new products things would... Get better?

This president is setting some fairly atrocious precedents. The laws of our country are intended to be followed. If you break the law then you are intended to face the consequences... to send the message to others that the same shall happen to them if they decide to break the same law themselves.

Perhaps if your initial response had not been kind of dumb then I wouldn’t have been so harsh to judge, of which I was probably too nasty and as such I apologize. But alas your comments made previously about CO2 were pretty far off. The reason Co2 is classified as pollution by the EPA is because of the role it plays

Its another day that I wake up and face the depressing fact that something like 40% of our country thinks the president is just dandy. This guy is intentionally starting numerous trade wars for now good reason, and doing so in a good economy. Trade wars are a great way to lead to recessions. The only silver lining is

You are misunderstanding me. You see, there’s a HUGE difference between how the ole’ family car is treated versus the local power plant. I’m originally from Tennessee and they have zero inspections or smog testing. Ever. Its not exactly the wealthiest area and so there’s a whole shit-ton of really crappy cars who’s

The guy is an idiot. Judging by the speed the lines on the freeway were passing by the dude was going way to fast. Not surprising as drivers of cars like these tend to be douches...

Well, most EVs and plugin hybrids are very gentle on the pads: Most of the braking is actually done via regenerative braking. Case in point? We owned a 2002 Prius and traded it in on a 2011 Volt. The Prius had around 260,000 miles on it by then and the pads still looked like maybe 75% of the pads were left. The Volt


It would be great if Chrysler could simply own itself again versus whatever XXX, totally mismatched European automaker who fucks things up just makes things worse. Alfas and Maseratis are big pieces of shit and they aren’t selling well here. That and despite the platforms being ancient, I STILL see a lot of new

Yawn... I am sick to death of hearing this grossly outdated statement. For the billionth time the typical power plant is heavily regulated and have emission controls which in many cases means they run fairly cleanly. Coal is giving way to natural gas , which burns pretty cleanly. That versus the millions of cars in

My friend had an older Versa and yeah, it was pretty shitty. Not nearly as nice as the one I rented. That said, you mentioned the arm rest? The exact same thing happened with the one I rented: it was coming loose in one giant piece, which was amazing to me considering the car only had around 10,000 miles. Still- not

Part of it is that small cars are more fun just because they’re so tiny. It feels more like driving a go cart than a car. I still own a 23 year old small toyota truck that is still my favorite thing to drive. Same deal: real small and fun as hell to drive around.

I always rent the cheapest cars available on my various trips. The last was a Nissan Versa.

I dislike Sessions as much as the next person and think he’s a walking talking piece of human excrement. But why poke fun of his height or height in general? As a short male myself its always interesting to me that in this day and age it still seems perfectly fine to laugh at the short guy. Oh well, call me a whiner...

This isn’t “country” music. Its total garbage akin to the equivelant of musical junk food for people who don’t know what music is.

Hopefully Ford got the message that an SUV(ish) electric thing would not go over well, especially with the name “Mach 1". And in case they’re reading these comments... that’s right... when you say “Mach 1" it had better be a car, as in you know, a sports car... not a crossover, not an SUV, not some weird looking

Its more like everyone ( except of course Trump’s idiot supporters ) hates the import tariffs.

LOL! I must find a use for that oily balloon phrase.
