
Let me ask you a simple question: Who exactly is the current President? Last time I looked it sure as hell wasn’t Clinton. As such I do not give a flying fuck about her or her organizations. And so let’s get back to the subject matter at hand, which is that Trump’s lawyer paid off a porn star to hush her up before an

STOP suggesting that the GOP is either dead, in trouble, or otherwise failing. You want to know how we lose elections? Complacency. Want to know how the GOP somehow continues to exist? Money and lots of it. That and like it or not, around 45% of the country Still absolutely still supports them, still love trump, and

So now we’re getting down to brass tacks. Sure- there aren’t 35k model 3's yet. But the cars themselves are being produced and sold. That’s a milestone and a product delivery and no different than any other new model. Prices of the Chevy Volt- a car I own- were also initially higher. ( I bought mine used ) and it was

From what the article said they’re getting laid-off...

From what I understand it was parts for the dashboard and the stuff is made out of magnesium. Its likely that the tooling and stamping jigs made for these are pretty specialized and can’t be made very easily so hence why they are having to stop production for now. Sucks for the line workers for sure...

I’m sorry but you Trump lovin’ folks have absolutely zero legitimate grounds to stand on. Your guy is a idiot who cheats on his wives, lies, and otherwise makes the US look like a total laughing stock. We listened for a full 8 fucking years as the far right absolutely went ape shit over the dumbest crap- like Obama

Not a whole lot of electrons floating around in the ole’ noggin, is there?

Because the investigation(s) aren’t over yet...

Only 38% of the US population supports Trump at this point- basically the folks who voted for him, who will support him even if he pulled up and crapped in their yards.

Oh but there’s more to it then that. Remember- his lawyer is under investigation too for a lot of really shady shit, like paying off porn stars and playboy models, which if connected directly to trump would be illegal, and then there is also investigations of money laundering with regards to the NRA and Trump’s

Is anyone surprised? Trump is simply a big asshole.

Yeah. That and she looks like she wants to try out for a role in some future Beetlejuice movie.

What is up with the 15 year old kid peach fuzz style beard and stash?

Color me not impressed. 20k for a truck that’s still common as the day is long? Nah...

As someone who owns a 55' Mercury I can tell you that big-ass cars like these always handled like shit. I’m used to mine by now but it takes getting used to going into turns and being alarmed that the whole car feels like it wants to eat the curb.

I don’t like fried baloney sandwiches or PBR. So what does it mean? Putting that aside if you want to generically categorize people versus taking them at face value then that is your choice. But OTOH you’re also missing out on potentially getting to know a lot of people whom might actually be really cool- even the

Actually, I just drove a model 3 this past weekend. A friend of mine got his a few weeks ago. He LOVES the thing too. That Tesla still has such a huge amount of loyalty from buyers to me is perhaps why they are able to “ get away” with stuff that the mainstream automakers can’t. BTW, the car was really nice. Just an

When I was in high school I was an extremely shy and withdrawn young man. I- like most teenaged boys of course had lots of hormones and really... reeaaallly wanted a girlfriend. Only problem? I was too shy. That and I just automatically assumed that none of the girls liked me anyway or that girls maybe just wern’t

Its not exactly a new thing for a company to delay launch of a product. For example: Most anything having to do with aircraft. Planes like the Boeing 787 was delayed... for YEARS before it finally went into production.

You can apply that to just about any other company in existence. Why should Tesla be singled out?