
I’d suggest re-reading what I had previously mentioned: They have in fact delivered every single product promised. And no- missing timelines doesn’t mean you’ve failed.

What haven’t they done that they promised?

I think its because there’s a lot of people who just love hating Tesla and publications probably realize that. Trash sells.

Why is this guy not in jail yet?

As a side note, I got to drive on just a small part of that testing ground. It is... HUGE!

.... what the fuck?

Believe it or not it was featured on this site around 10 years ago. I wasn’t even aware of it until years later. I’ve owned it for 15 years so far. Its been a good car so far.

It kind of is. But my commute is now 40 miles each way so the mercury is now used for weekend duty. Plus it will haul a lot of shit too, which is handy when going to Home Depot.

I’ve seen a few of the new Atlases. They look super generic in person, even more so than online. I have zero clue why people are buying these.

Wow. No kidding. Skim past the new looking stuff and I saw a ton of houses either burnt out, buildings with no roofs, etc. Just out of curiosity, whats driving the new growth and gentrification there?

That cage looked barely worth the effort. Its far from adequate and probably not even the correct gauge either.

I was there in 2009 and at that time the entire city looked like WW2 had happened the day before. Everything just burned out, abandoned, or falling apart. Nice to hear that maybe things are getting better?

I’d totally sign up for that.

In other words, he’s just another rich dude with stereo-typically boring rich person hobbys. I mean- come on. Every other damned rich person drives the same stupid cars: Porsches, high end BMWs. etc etc. Whoopee... How utterly un-original.

Man. Either I’m getting old ( 40) or you guys look like kids that just graduated from college. I had no idea the staff was so young!

Call it what you want. If it makes you feel better...

Ask me when I actually care....

The current problem is that Trump made it about race and his loyal base without a doubt probably don’t care whether the immigrants are legal or not. They are simply anti-immigrant. That Trump decided that Steve Bannon would make a fantastic addition to his cabinet is clear evidence as to what kind of intent this admin

No, its that you are instead choosing to be a pest and hence why I responded. Anything else you have to add?

Uh, no? Did you not read the part where I said they’re a huge waste of money? As in if you buy a BMW 7 series today it will be worth only 1/5th of the original price in 5 years? OTOH I bought a home on the California coast about 4 blocks from the ocean and its gone up nearly 50% in value.