
We took my MIL to look at one. The trunk is seriously a joke, having been filled almost entirely by the larger battery. The range in EV mode is pretty unimpressive- a good 10 miles less than the OLD Chevy Volt. I also felt that the interior was kind of cheap and plastic-y, which seems to be an issue Toyota has these

I am terrible at remembering details but I saw a report that showed that by the year 2020 or 2024 ( can’t recall which one ) that those in the millennial and generation immediately after them will be all of legal voting age and as a group will outnumber the boomer generation and comprise a majority of the country’s

Amazon in fact lost money for years. You’re probably forgetting that Amazon actually started out as an online Bookstore and they’ve been around since 1994. They did not actually show any profit whatsoever until 2001 when by then they were already 7 years old.

No matter- this win in a district that overwhelmingly voted for Trump by a 20 point margin clearly indicates that people have had enough of the GOP and their bullshit and will likely suffere a staggering loos come November, losing both houses, and hopefully leading towards a super majority in which to then move

I feel I’m perhaps an example of this. I grew up in a very rural, conservative area and while my parents were and are not exactly conservative, my Dad voted Republican right up till 2008 and my Grandparents were fierce and unapologetic Republicans. There was a time when I was younger when I leaned more conservative.

Take pretty much everything you said and reverse it. All indications show future generations leaning hard left.

It costs over 100,000... it had BETTER be better than a Corvette with that kind of price...

Nah, its more that every country at some time will eventually get some shitty leader and now its out turn.

I have absolutely no clue what just happened...

Its important to remember that the country has been more or less controlled by the boomers for decades now. Millennials have been discussed as being almost strictly liberal to an almost dominant degree. So while I agree with your sentiments I do feel things are on the cusp of a sea change.

I look at it as perhaps and hopefully the equivalent of the far right going into “red dwarf” mode: the near term future shows a future where millennials will become the biggest voting block and the boomers will lose their influence. The GOP’s days of having significant power are likely numbered and they probably know

I could very easily give you an anecdotal story of my own regarding at least one person I’ve known who had far worse and numerous issues with their BMWs. Does that mean ALL BMWs are pieces of crap? Its the exact same outcome with the anecdotal story you shared with me...

Another day and I- like millions of Americans- wonder how in the hell this joke of a person is the president....

I can’t think of an instance where Tesla insulted other automotive manufactures. The entire goal from the get-go from Musk was to make EV transportation a viable thing. I had mentioned I own a Volt. The inspiration for that car came from Bob Lutz at GM after he saw a Tesla Roadster.

I saw that video and came away with the impression that they were two grouchy old men who prefaced the review by the barely hid disdain they had for Tesla and their products. The car they were looking at was a pre-production model so yeah... of course there will be funny bits and pieces. In fact I was invited by GM

As someone who works in Silicon Valley I can tell you probably don’t really know a great deal of why things work the way they do here.

Tesla gets to have a little bit more wiggle room-again because they were first to market- AND they have also been ingenious at branding themselves as the automotive equivalent of Apple.

The thing is that the Model 3 has barely started production. The old adage that one should never buy the first model year of any new car I think holds especially true for this car too. So yes- there are some initial issues with the cars but those will get ironed out in due time. The Model S also had some early

My take is that since Trump probably feels bolstered after his own party made the claim of “no collusion” he now feels that he can go all-out and fire the rest of his staff whom had any kind of disagreement with him.

I was pulled over on my bicycle in a very quite urban neighborhood for slowing down for but not stopping at a stop sign. Yes- I was technically in the wrong but ultimately that incident cost me almost $350. I distinctly recall it because I was laid off the next day from my job. Seeing as I suddenly had a lot of free