
Yeah, I’d heard that too. It was a real problem in areas that got hot, like Arizona.

We owned an 01' Prius, which drove and handled really badly. We traded it in on a used first gen Volt, which perhaps after having owned the Prius felt like a spaceship. It is a HEAVY car but when put in sports mode will just about smoke the tires. My gripe with it is that the range. My commute is 38 miles each way and

Maybe and maybe not. GM got a LOT of flack for the first gen Volt where even though it was supposed to go 40 miles on a charge it only did that if you absolutely babied it. In reality on a cold day you’d be lucky to get 34-37 miles. With the new Volt its rated at around 53 miles but most I’ve talked to are getting

These seem like somewhat subjective comments. I mean- I know you own an i3, which has had more than its fair share of criticism due to its love it or hate it design. Yet obviously for you its a design that agrees with you.

I was responding to the post where someone was inquisitively stating that the Bolt costs more. As if it was some sort of amazing realization but also seemingly comparing these as equals when in fact they are not. The Bolt costs more because it has greater range. Thus I’m not sure why this is such a mystery...

They used a cheaper air cooling system for the batteries which over time means the batteries degrade a lot faster and with many older Leafs their ranges have been degraded. The only good thing IMHO is that they are dirt-cheap used and so if you just wanted a cheap commuter machine then that’s not a bad idea.

The two operate in pretty much the same way. With batteries in both hybrid and EVs the charge is maintained in a narrow range. I can’t recall the actual percentage but the charge and discharge cycle is something like between 30-60%, as in the batteries are never fully discharged. This puts a lot less stress on the

We had one. Inherited it from my father in law when he passed away. It was a really weird looking and quirky car. But yet the thing just ran and ran and ran. We never had an issue with it and when we traded it in with 265,000 miles it was still perfectly fine. The only bad thing? It used a strange and uncommon wheel

Air cooling per say isn’t an issue if its done right. I recall some of the earlier Leafs indeed had a cooling issue. But again- I see a TON of old Priuses out there and those too were air cooled. My Volt uses a liquid cooled system, which is superior.

I’m on an EV forum and the average that people with the Bolt are getting is around 150 miles, thus- yes- it goes about 50% further.

Have you actually sat in one? I did and the interior of the Bolt is actually pretty well-done and amazingly intuitive.

Is it enough for a lot of people? Sure. Then again 10 miles is enough for others. This is a simple comparison whereas the Bolt goes a significantly further distance than the Leaf: 150 miles versus 250 miles, which is a huge delta. So IMHO its not really accurate to compare these two cars. It’d be like comparing a

Likewise some people will claim they can walk to work. Different needs for different people and if there are those who seek a 250 mile range then the Leaf won’t fulfill that need.

That wasn’t the point. The two cars aren’t really comparable seeing as how one has a greater range. That’s like saying that a 135HP car will get the job done as well as a 270HP car. Just because that be the case doesn’t mean that there aren’t folks who seek that additional range.

The difference is that it goes about 50% less on a charge than the Bolt.

100,000+ miles on my 7 years old Volt so far. I still see many first gen Priuses, as in 2000-2003 era around here, most on the original battery. In other words, these batteries tend to last a very long time...

Uh... my response was in regards to people who in fact are- racist- and thus IMHO pieces of trash. If you have a problem it then go deal with it because frankly I’m not concerned if you do.

So exactly how blatent does this need to be? Its obstruction of justics, plain and simple and if so, the president should be questioned.

You seem to really want to get the last word in... dontcha’? I have no qualms calling people whom are racist with racist agendas naughty names. So if you want to point that out I’ll be glad to let you.

Maybe ask if they can actually build cars that don’t start having annoying issues as soon as the warranty is up.