
Pissed? Hardly. Now I’m just enjoying you floppin’ around. Let me give you another hint: calling people immature names doesn’t make you look or seem smarter...

Shut your hole.

Well... it makes sense because all of the countries listed above the US are significantly smaller in terms of population...

Nope. You simply lost an argument and are throwing a fit. Either way no skin off my teeth. Personally I found this entertaining and I’m sure you won’t be able to handle yourself and will probably respond anyway. Or if you don’t oh well... you’re sort of a bore...

So no- you aren’t going to answer the questions and have now resorted to tossing out facebook style memes. In other words you’re pretty much exactly as I described above and full of shit.

I believe I asked you some questions. I also asked you to explain certain things that Trump has said above. That’s how a debate works. You did not answer the questions and instead attempted to deflect by making more blanket statements.

Are you done? My turn...

Sorry that your so-called “truth” is wrong. Maybe when you actually grow up we can resume this discussion. Until then, have a nice day. Oh- and my life is pretty nice and thanks for suggesting that...

Your assertions are grossly flawed and this conversation is over.

Not yet... but there’s an abundance of juicy tidbits that when finally put together will be more than enough to show this clown the door.

Ahh yes... The truth finally came out of you. You see, that statement alone tells me that you’re pretty much full of shit and possibly even partially a fan of Trump. So you really and truly feel that Trump’s comments about where 3/4 of the world’s population come from are “shitholes”? Oh- and please... pray tell me

Ah yes... the birds are singing, coffee is almost done and I once again wonder why in the hell trump hasn’t been impeached yet.

Hmm, sorry about that. Oh well, the bugs will probably carry your car off anyway... I should know as I used to live in Tennessee and holy shit the bugs during the summer get huge.

Sorry to say that I don’t agree with you on this one. Was Clinton perfect? No, but she had a lot of experience and had she won we probably wouldn’t be having this discussion because we would be experiencing more or less a normal government. She would’ve probably been more of an extension of Obama’s policy, which at

Well... other then that you live in New York... meaning that winter driving will help expedite rustage in short order, especially if the car hasn’t had any kind of weatherproofing underneath. If this were my car I would probably avoid driving it on salted roads period.

Looks like you live in a pretty damp, wet area. I’d suggest you either find a garage or buy one or something. Otherwise you will start being delighted by rust...

Ah shaddap... And “children”? You’re a kid at 33...

Since I didn’t say how much I made your point is invalid.

Well... this is going to sound old and tiresome but to me the choice between the two was fairly obvious and since the election that choice has become even more so, right? I mean we have a guy who seriously acts like he is mentally unstable.

Yes, I get what you are saying and agree. Historical record tends to show that unfortunately leaders of various communist states in turn wind up pretty much turning into dictators. Another example? Former Romanian leader Nicolae Ceaușescu.