
Not necessarily true. I’d suggest you look up just exactly what the leadership characteristics were of Joseph Stalin, whom very much acted as a leader with unlimited, unchecked power. While not called “dictator” in principle he was very much acting as a dictator in a practical sense.

Oh but you clearly do because you were making an assumption about my age and my reasons for responding. And I didn’t “make shit up.”

Ah yes... typical response from people like you. You forgot to ask whether I was writing this from my mom’s basement because people like you assume that anyone who dares call you out must be as such.

And nobody else did... right? No seriously. Why is it that stat after stat after stat shows that Boomers have basically saved zero for retirement or are in at least 10k in debt and STILL have a mortgage?

Oh Jesus.... Here come the commie comments! Ironic seeing as how we now have a President who very much acts like a communist dictator.

Anytime I read a comment from anyone who uses the term “Obummer” stop reading. Because usually the comments made are pretty idiotic.

Jesus dude... your grammar is AWFUL!

Its the baby. Duh?

Two of my vehicles are horrendous in bad weather.

I feel that Lexus AND Acura have lost their way and have for some time now. What they don’t seem to get is that many luxury car buyers must have more conservative tastes when it comes to vehicle designs. Mercedes, BMW, Audi... even Cadillac use a sort of reserved design language with very subtle changes from one year

I really don’t see anything that sticks out much. They look more or less like any other manufacture or crossovers and small cars. I’m sure some people , especially on the coasts, will buy them simply because they’re French.

Agree 1000%. The GOP is in no position to be calling the shots and the Democrats should hold fast and not budge.

First of all, This flue season is fucking insane. What you mentioned has happened at not only our corporate headquarter offices but at some of the regional offices across the country. Last week practically half of the folks in my office were out sick. A few weeks prior to that I was out for 3 days, the first Ive had

I’m not sure how old you are but I’m 40 and when the original neon came out- as in the car people poke fun of now- well at the time it seemed really cool and modern looking. In fact so too was the PT cruiser and the 300m. Yeah yeah yeah.. joke cars now but at the time they felt refreshing.

You know... I never liked any of Woody Allen’s whiny little movies anyway.

You’re fucking kidding right? No seriously- I really can’t tell. I say that because I find it hard to believe anyone would support that nasty little molester down in Bama after all that’s happened.

This year’s show had to be the biggest letdown for me in years. Absolutely nothing memorable.

Shitty president.

I’m mixed on the Chinese car thing. If the past and present are any indicator I’d almost be willing to bet that the initial cars will be dumped on the US market. This has been true when it comes to agricultural products where in order to secure a foothold the products are sold at below cost. Japan did this in the 60's

Dude? Seriously....