
Wow 10 year old kids don’t work in horrid and dangerous factories and coal mines like they did before 1912.

I saw the specs on these about a month ago and wondered why they even bothered. Then again I’ve seen a fair amount of Audi E-trons, which also cost a lot and have a pitiful EV range and so perhaps they figure well hey- there must be buyers who lack common sense after all...

I don’t care either. Because their cars are plain and vanilla boring looking.

You’re about the 20th person to claim we’ve always been this way. Yes- we have a awful history of racism and bigotry and that still exists. But we have made some progress in terms of civil rights. We have moved forward to a great degree. But that we somehow took a few giant steps backwards with the election of a

I wanted to add this as well as a sort of warning. I’m not sure where you reside but if I were to offere a “lessons learned” piece of advice its to NOT make the mistake we made. Do not for a second think that if a crazed right wing lunatic who seems woefully unfit for any sort of public service were to run in your own

Its really sort of embarrassing that compared to 99% of most Americans you probably know more about our system than they do despite living elsewhere....

He also won because our electoral college is grossly outdated. The way it works is that each state is given X number of electoral votes as determined by some arcane system that is very out of date. As in it was conjured up in an era when California was still mostly rural and uninhabited. I live in California which has

Well I had nothing to do while visiting my folks during Xmas so I went to a Chevy dealership to check out Colorados. While there they had a used Encore in the lot for $14k. I was actually impressed with how nice the interior was. It felt more like a luxury car. It was only a year old too.

I recall reading a book some years ago. I don’t recall the title but it discussed general societal shifts. It went on to discuss what happens when one power starts waning and cedes to another. Often there is a nasty transition period since the former dominant power doesn’t want to give up their influence as easily.

I know its hard for someone who isn’t from here to know it but believe it or not the majority of us do not support Trump, despise racism and bigotry and seek moving forward. Trump was a total fluke and one we hope shall never be repeated. If anything it was a wakeup call that we ain’t there yet and much work needs to

I do not for one second ever believe the sincerity of anyone who uses the word “ illegal” with the word “immigrant”. It’s simply a convenient term to mask their true feelings which is that they’re simply anti-immigrant.

Open ended question: is this the country we’ve really become? Seems to me that for well over a year the most disgusting, most bigoted, utterly shitty people have been calling all the shots while the rest of us seem to be powerless to stop it. There seems to be zero consequences for these people and their actions.

He’s no saint... Funny how NONE of the Republicans and few of the Democrats seem willing to step up and speak out against this clown show unless they happen to be leaving office.

Absolutely and furthermore, I’d be worried FAR more about Bannon’s future plans than perhaps any other person close to politics. The man IMHO is dangerous because he knows how to manipulate people and politicians both into buying in on his own special level of racism and bigotry. He’s shoved the alt-right and white

If this happens... the clock will start ticking for what will possibly be the end of the US auto industry. Yeah, I hate to say it but given our zeal for buying the absolute cheapest of everything there’s no way any US automaker can compete with cheap Chinese labor and US consumers will simply buy these cars en mass.

I’m amazed at the level of restraint and calmness of the pastor. Had I been up there I would’ve probably called out Trump by name and said some probably unflattering things about him.

Oh gaawd... here we go again... The problem with your assertion is that you’re totally ignoring the fact that if you look at what some of the world’s biggest causes of cancer, pulmonary disease, and so on pollution and in particular particulate matter in the air is a leading cause. So while its impossible to point a

Another day I wake up wondering why in the fuck this man is president.

coulda’ fooled me. It looks exactly the same.

What is up with her mouth? Its like one side of it is totally slack