
It looks like they shopped for a bunch of body kits and plastic stuff from Amazon, stuck it on a car and called it a day...

I’m sorry... it looks so weird....

1st gear:

For some reason I think this thing is awesome. That and for the amount of work that went into it 18k seems pretty reasonable

I decided to keep my 22 year old Tacoma after realizing that a new one will cost me well over $30k and that wasn’t really that fancy of a model. I looked at a new Chevy Colorado diesel and that thing was over $45k. Can I afford it? Yes, but to me that’s insane money for a medium sized truck.

I agree. Furthermore if I were to glean any positives from this last year its that for one, Americans MUST take their elections more seriously. Had every single American voted its doubtful that Trump would’ve won.

Its alright. Its a free world ya know...

That’s pretty rich, my friend. You and the other Trump supporters seem to enjoy using him as a sort of threat- as in “take that, Lib-rals!”

You get a boner looking at cars? I suppose there’s some fetish for everyone...

I’ve been ready for the shit show to be over for a long time now. Its clear the guy almost surely committed impeachable offenses and yet here we are, a year later and he’s still somehow in power despite the freak show this has become. Trump and his admin are a joke and I wake up every single day wondering how in the

Ask me how much of flyin’ fuck I care about what conservatives think these days...

If the above is what gets you guys excited the next this year’s show is going to be pretty boring. With every automaker promising fleets of EVs you’d expect more of those to be presented.

Well... if that’s it , its pretty hideous looking...

I’ve had discussions with numerous Trump supporters and done so in a respectful manner. These people are on another planet and have absolutely no touch with reality... as in they think Trump is doing a just fine job. They STILL agree with every nasty little word that comes spewing from his mouth.

So... is anyone else feeling that this shit show is perhaps at least maybe.. just maybe about to finally go away? I cannot help but feel that this admin has totally and utterly lost its shit. Well, actually its never had its shit together, but it seems that the utter level of dysfunction, the outright laughable

It’ll probably be sold at Wal-Mart.

Looks to me like the owner was having a hard time getting the envelope to the drop box, opened the door and then somehow accidentally stomped the gas. Hope he/she is ok.

I’m 5 ft 7" and its awful for me as well so I cannot even imagine what its like for you guys.

Bannon concerns me in some ways more than Trump. He is a master at manipulation, understands how to use propaganda to his advantage and also has a talent for getting lots of people to believe in his dangerous alt-right manifesto. I worry because I can see him at some point running for office and if he were to win...

I live in California which always seems to be a bellweather for recessions. When we get to a point where not even the upper 10% of the population can’t afford a house then that usually means we’re due for a recession. We are well past that level as we speak.