
For me gas powered cars are expensive, unattractive and boring. Why in the fuck would anyone actually think an Accord is at all exciting?

You do realize that VW, Ford, GM, Toyota, BMW, Mercedes and other ALL have anywhere from 5-10 new EV models coming out each... right? So you more or less missed the point of the article: the EVs we have now are just a drop in the bucket of whats to come and so its pretty premature to simply write all EVs off when

... and that is why there are hordes of rapid charge centers which will charge your car in minutes.

I’m going to bet you’ve never actually driven an electric car. If you did you’d probably change your mind: the instant torque in these things is not only very satisfying but insane.

... well of course they fucking are... anyone else surprised that the GOP would let him win? Of course not. So now they’re gonna’ do what they usually do which is weasel and lie their way all about some nonsense bullshit.

Why are people supposedly “blah” about this? If anything its the start is what a monumental shift of the likes not seen in automobiles in 100+ years, the transitioning away from ICE engines to all-electric drivertrains.

That untold billions are being spent by every major automaker also means that the costs of these

yawn... seriously. The original was kind of quirky and actually got something like 60+ MPG. Ever since then they’ve brought it back, increasingly more bland each time.

I suspect this car is a money put and the owner is cutting their losses... no thanks.

I feel like I am about 2 generations too young for what passes for trucks these days. I’ve owned my current small Taco for 22 years and if Toyota made the same size I’d gladly go buy another. But now Toyota and nobody else makes anything remotely close to it. Just all super-inflated gigantic things really. That and

Yeah, I also felt the handling was kind of weird. That and there was a noticeable lag with the gas pedal. I felt like that there was a good half-second or more of time between pressing the gas and getting any response from the engine.

My Dad’s old Tundra was the first generation, a 2002. I felt that it was somewhat flimsy in some aspects. The brake discs were too small, the bed and tail gate were made of thin sheet metal and it was also not exactly a full sized truck. It did manage to go 310,000 miles before he traded it in but by then it had a LOT

My Dad bought one of these about a year ago. My biggest complaint about it along with almost every other full sized truck is that its HUGE. As in so huge its sort of uncomfortable driving anywhere other than on the freeway. Driving through a neighborhood feels claustrophobic. It also drinks gas like mad.

I will say

I find this frightening because from the comments I see on various right leaning sites Trump’s followers are absolutely on board with believing the FBI and more or less ANY government agency is some sort of evil plot to eject their dear leader. These people have been conditioned and will follow Trump like lemmings no

Didn’t know what you meant until I looked back at the image again. It really does!

get get get get!

Thanks for the information! Wow. I cannot believe the loopholes people would go through for these things. Additionally I wonder if those buying those in Norway are wealthy. I looked up your country’s cost of gas and its 50% higher than here in the US. That and the Suburans made more recently are more like luxury cars

1st Gear: Gas.

Name one. Just ONE.

Midterms cannot come soon enough. The investigations into Trump need to speed up. This administration cannot be replaced with actual sane people quick enough. The bullshit needs to stop.

The big issue I had when I rode ( and I rode to work every single day for 7 years ) was the other drivers. Yes... this is about as cliche’ as it comes but at the end of the day one can invest in all of the safety gear, drive as cautiously as possible, be alert and so on but all it takes is one asshole on the freeway