
I think too I’ve gotten a bit spoiled because I have a 2011 Chevy Volt and unlike other newer cars its response is instant, as in press the pedal and its immediate electric torque. I have driven a number of newer cars and like the Camry you drove, its the same sort of deal where if you get the thing out on the

Oh yeah? I disagree...

I’m already resigned to the likelihood that this asshole is going to win. I mean it seems that 2017 was the year in which the most truly awful humans somehow wound up in government positions and if we’re gonna’ go out with a bang, I guess topping it off with a pathetic, nasty, racist old man is fitting isn’t it?

Oh wow. I’d totally drive one of those!

Actually I’ve heard that a lot of new taco owners are not pleased with theirs due to more power having been robbed from the engine to meet emissions and still have the same MPG, which was already poor. As a result the previous gen taco has suddenly become more in demand. I briefly looked at some used 2010-2013 models

She’s not really doing anything... They just used a photo of her and faded it out.

They’ll sell the shit out of these. I know because I live in the Bay Area and anytime any automaker other than GM comes out with a new hybrid/EV people buy them like crazy and seemingly the more hideous the design the better.

This new design is actually less hideous looking than the original leaf. That might hurt

Well basically I’d like to have another truck pretty much like the one I now have, a small 2WD 1996 Tacoma with a bench seat, crank windows, 5 speed manual. It only fits two people, yes but that’s ok with me.

Well even though they sell here I’ve NEVER seen one of those Buick wagons. Maybe its because I live in the Bay Area of California where everyone’s all snotty about car brands but seeing as how it actually looks like an attractive car I’m not sure why I haven’t seen any, even here.

Just about every single new truck made today.

Not exactly beautiful per say.. looks like an early 90's Celica and a Porsche had sex.

He is simply a shithead like the rest of this joke of an administration...

This week is just another week where I feel the country has hit rock bottom. Again. And there’s not one damned thing that can seemingly be done about it. I suppose what bothers me the most about all of it is the realization that around 45% of the country seems to be ok with this bullshit. There is no longer any sort

shit astroids!

What... the... hell?

You can’t do that because at that altitude shit would literally freeze. So when it came down you’d possibly injure people... with frozen shit

Wow. Give this TV reporter all the stars! Well done...

BMW could save lots of money by simply never changing the cars they make and just proclaim them as whatever year it is since the one above looks exactly the same as the cars they’ve been making for the last 10 years.

I’ve more or less decided that the GOP now represents nothing but pure evil. I hope sane Americans are taking heed and will choose to vote out every single one of them next year.

My mom had a 92' Camry, the same era of model as this and she put over 350k on it, sold it to a friend who then put another 100k on it.