
Actually this reveals his true identity. He’s actually known as “rubberman” and his powers are that he’s made of rubber . The car squishing his foot’ nuttin when you’re made outta rubba...

This is seriously about the most violent “motorsports” I’ve seen.... and I used to race riding mowers...

This is seriously the dumbest thing I’ve seen in awhile. So Mercedes can’t afford to buy one of these cars themselves? The PR damage this story will cause them will cost an awful lot more than the cost of that Tesla...

I gave up hope a long time ago that Trump will ever get in trouble. If he has gotten away with the other 2000 things that in ordinary times would lead to impeachment then why now? God it would be sweet if he did get impeached. Maybe at Christmas?

I’m sorry but the designer on this thing was either drunk or lazy. Its like they went to WalMart and got all of the used refrigerator boxes and stuck em’ together for the clay model

Holy shit! Its amazing how well he could sing even at that age!

Maybe its just me... but there is such a thing as too much star wars. Disney needs to take a chill or people are going to eventually get burned out seeing that stuff everywhere 24/7.

At the end of the day it all comes down to what you can personally afford. Here in Cali the prices never really became cheap or even what most would consider “affordable” post crash. But then at one point prices came down enough and interest rates adjusted to where rent became the same as buying. Back then rent was

Not sure how old you are but I’m 40 and I too remember that era. Very much so because I live in the oh-so-expensive land of California. Back then my wife nd I were just starting to make decent incomes. And then the housing bubble just went through the roof and the more we made the higher the prices got. That was in

IMHO a recession can’t come soon enough. But more precisely, it needs to start happening sometime maybe next year and be full-blown by election time. If there’s one thing and one thing only that will turn even the most hardened, brainwashed Trump supporter again him: a good ole’ fashioned recession.

I’m sorta done here because I’m not totally sure what you were arguing for or against. I’d suggest you actually go drive either a full on EV or a plugin hybrid EV. I’ve owned my Volt for well over 100,000 miles and if your question was which experience and technology is superior from my experience the Volt has been

I really try to stay way from the news these days because... its depressing. And then something like this seems to pop up in one of my unrelated forums. Its pretty damned depressing. For those whom aren’t American please realize that MOST of us here find Trump and his actions appalling and unacceptable. Most of us

The cost of EVs has come down. Dramatically. As in prior to the 37k Bolt you had a 100k Model S. I recently actually went car shopping with my MIL and honestly it takes hardly anything at all for anything other than the most basic of econo-cars to cost 30k plus, so its not like the Bolt is priced at such a horribly

I was thinking about it the other day. What it is that trucks don’t actually feel, handle or drive like a “truck” anymore. I like mine in that its pretty loud, has a basic and spartan interior and actually gets somewhat decent fuel economy. The new Tacoma I drove reminded me of driving my Grandmother’s Buick.

Its important to note that as of just a few years ago there were ZERO fully electric vehicles at all. Now there are several. The same that you were mentioning was true with hybrids back in the early 2000's. Now a Prius might as well be an Accord as there’s so damned many of the things.

The Chevy Bolt, which is an all-EV car with a 240+ mile range is coming close to outselling the Chevy Volt, which currently outsells the Nissan Leaf, the BMW i3, and the Toyota Prius Prime. So yes- there is a good reason why most other auto manufactures are steaming ahead with EVs.

Its in Cali and something I noticed after moving here years ago is that since it doesn’t get that cold and that it doesn’t rain for 6-8 months of the year that spider webs are built EVERYWHERE. They seem to have a thing for cars too. As in they build them under the frame, the mirrors, and so on...

It just kind of sucks because I remember when I bought my taco back in 1996 that it was such a fun truck to drive and still is. Its got close to 300k on the clock and is starting to have some issues. So its sad that Toyota offers literally nothing at all similar.

Good thing we don’t drive giant toys to work...

Its because we’re in an economic bubble, Americans are really stupid with their money and as soon as the recession comes they’ll all be broke and will probably have their homes foreclosed on, as always happens...