
I’m not surprised. He’s just as batshit looney as everyone else in Trump’s admin...

Toyota needs to figure out a lot of things. For one they have no EV models on the market. This last weekend we actually went to a Toyota dealership to look at new Tacomas for me, a Prius for my mother in law. The Prius Prime is a fairly lazy design with most of the trunk filled with battery leaving little for

Its more to do with the fact that in China their safety and emissions standards are entirely different and thus there, yes Chinese cars are cheap. But in order to sell them in the US they’d have to meet our requirements and by that time the price of their cars would probably come close to being the same as everyone

I gave up trying to guess when Trump might ever pick someone to run anything who isn’t some awful bottom feeding scum. The only guarantee is that Trump will in fact always choose the worst people for any task.

He needs to step aside. He had his chance and that chance didn’t work out for him.

Why? Simple. There are a LOT of really, really stupid people in this country. Far more than anyone including even me, whom grew up in the deep rural south could comprehend. And that is why we have an orange haired moron in charge.

The way I look at it is that men are pre-programmed to be atttacted to women with more “stuff” as it assures more success in child rearing. The thinner the woman the less capable to be prepared for children. This yes- size 14 woman wins... as grossly theoretical as this is

Yes, she is a model and most women don’t look like that. In truth most models- both men and women- are almost like freaks of nature. As in 6 foot tall, 130 pound women...

I bet she weighs 90 lbs. most women do not look like that

She is a skinny as a rail.... No thanks.

All I know is that I order an awful lot of bulk electronics supplies from Chinese suppliers ( components like capacitors, switches, power supplies, adapters and so on ) and the prices of those are INSANELY cheap. As in pennies. Now you think about all of the suppliers for those Chinese cars. Likely also very cheap.

China’s manufacturing output and cost reduction is far different than Mexico...

I’m pretty sure that as soon as any large Chinese auto manufacture managed to succeed in the US then it will be game over for all US branded cars. There’s simply no way they can compete with grossly cheap Chinese labor.

It will be like like all others before: nice car but people will continue right along buying their generic 3 series and you’ll see maybe one of these Buicks every 2 months...

The flywheel appears to be in front of the driver so if it did blow chances are the driver wouldn’t get hit. I wonder if there is a scattershield surrounding that area?

Ironically some of the most “American made” cars aren’e even American. Some cars and trucks made by Toyota and Toyota are stuck together with more domestic parts than the actual US-brand models. In turn we export more BMWs than any other brand. Trump’s demand for NAFTA are totally uncalled for...

I recall that Torch or someone on here did a story on these, as in drove one that was new? Wasn’t it already a piece of shit coming out the factory door? So not sure that a 25 year old specimen would be any better...

Actually... maybe they could make money with those sticker. I’d love to get one for my own truck.

No way. Anything German that’s got this sort of age on it is instantly a machine that’s likely to clean out your wallet and do so rather quickly.

All I can say is holy shit! And I know how people just love to bag on Tesla all the time but seriously- while Porsche, BMW, Mercedes and practically everyone else is trying to make their own “Tesla Killer” Tesla keeps raising that bar. Good for them!