
It had the swing axle. I’d attribute the car’s weird handling to having the engine in the rear. The rest of the car was incredibly lightweight and at times it almost felt that the whole front end would come bouncing off the ground. It seemed to really dig into corners but my 55' Mercury does the same thing.

A housemate of mine had a Corvair that I helped him fix up. In all the times I drove it It handled more or less like any other car of that era. It was indeed treated unfairly at the end of the day.

Yeah.... good luck selling that at 31k+...

Blah. Crossovers. Boy are we living in some depressing times in terms of whats popular. All of these things look almost the same. Just blobs of plastic and metal on wheels...

It all comes back to the old and probably true saying: The CEO tends to be the loneliest position of any company.

I went to a yard sale a few years ago and one of the items was a New-in-box, unopened 1980's Sunbeam toaster. Its one of those funny ones where you drop the toast in and when its done the toast slowly rises back up. Anyway that thing will probably last longer than me.

I KNOW Alabama will vote for this guy. Its like Trump 2.0: the worse the scum the more his supporters like it.

It looks like the pope-mobile

I agree. Manafort and the other guy isn’t really a eye opener for me. But taking a plea deal? That often means they’ve got some nice, juicy details to share. As stupid and careless as Trump is I’m pretty sure there will be some rather interesting tidbits...

Oh yes- by all means all things lead back to the emails....

I doubt it. This is only the start of the end for Trump and his joke of a presidency.

Guess who isn’t the President? And you make a mistake assuming I give a shit about Clinton. I only care about the idiot who calls himself president getting removed from office-whether via impeachment or stepping down- before he does even more damage to the country than he already has...

Thanks! I hope you too will be not only laughin’ but also giving high fives all around once this finally catches up to Trump. I find it rather humorous...

One of his advisors, George Papadopoulous has taken a plea deal. That tends to mean the guy has interesting information.

Like I said- you folks will be excusing Trump right up until he is impeached. There is absolutely no comparison between Trump and any other President in US history.
But let’s get real for a second, shall we? So you guys wailed and wailed about “Bengazhi” and those stupid emails for years and still do so even though

You guys will be saying that long after Trump is either impeached or removed via the 25th. I mean- what exactly does it take for you guys to see the bullshit this guy spun? His campaign manager as well as an advisor are now in hot water over their ties to the Russians. The aforementioned adviser lied to the FBI. These

No need to search for reasons. He’s a dipshit, plain and simple. Oh- and it looks like he’s finally and hopefully going to get in trouble for stuff the rest of us have been waiting to catch up with him for almost a year so far.

The issue with hydrogen is that as of right now the most efficient means to produce it by far is by cracking natural gas. If you look at it that way we in the US have something like 250 years worth of natural gas and we’ve actually run out of room to store it. And so therein lies the contrarian dilemma where in

Well, ok... I’ll agree. But Moore is pretty damned close.

THIS is what ALL car companies should do at car shows. These look like a big departure brand and styling wise for Mazda and if they can pull it off could very well preposition their brand entirely. Great looking cars!