
Oh yeah? Your mom wears combat boots.

I did and what was spoken was for you to read. I’m so glad you did. Either way, this discussion is over.

Its fucking hideous looking.

Deportation orders are up, as I already posted. You can keep arguing with me but just because you are wrong doesn’t mean posting more links corrects that. Next time you post bullshit maybe think about it?

The GOP these days is very well beyond having absolutely no shame. Moore is about the closest one could come to electing a tyrant as they come and yet somehow members of the GOP pretend its all business as usual?

Hydrogen will never work. The basic fact will always remain that hydrogen is inefficient. That and there’s little appetite for building out the infrastructure to support it. Toyota for once bet on the wrong horse. At this point they should swallow the loss, cut the program and focus on EVs like everybody else.

Fuck off.

Dude, just shut up

I’d suggest you read my responses I made to the other guy who made the same comments. We know what the meaning behind your statements truly are so don’t even bother.

Trump’s entire campaign was premised from the start as a racist shit show. His first words were all about Mexicans and how they were rapists and whatnot. While yes- under Obama deportations were happening as you indicated and I agree with the sheer volume of deportation orders under Trump has increased drastically.

Trump has definitely escalated deportations and his rhetoric with it has been highly racist. Those are the facts.

Like I said- you already proved the true meaning behind your posts. But if you want to continue ramblin’ on feel free to do so with yourself. I believe Le Bruns Jeans below summed it up pretty well too. Perhaps seeing as how most here disagree with you should give you pause. But from what was said by others...

Ahhh.... and the Truth comes out. Thanks for proving my previous point. So now you’re calling the father above “Garbage”?

No, its because EVERY single person who I’ve met who uses the “well, they broke the law!” does so because they’re usually some piece of shit racist. So go right ahead buddy- keep on using the “illegal” thing because you aren’t fooling me or anyone else.

Then you’re just a douche bag and nothing more.

Fuck off.

He wasn’t a fucking criminal dumbass and BTW, the guy was on his way to getting his green card. And furthermore, if something really shitty happens to you exactly how would you feel if some dipshit then came along and made the same casual comments you’ve made? No- you sound like all the other wingnuts of late: just a

That you used dumbass words like “Buttercup” is an instant red flag that yup- you’re another Trump supporter.

Yes and we all know that statements like yours are just a pitiful excuse to act like an asshole. This girl’s family has been destroyed over this and not because of him coming here illegally but because we have a racist piece of garbage elected by equally trashy people. That’s why.