
You know.... Its nice for once to see an American automaker actually take an initiative to invest, build and focus on higher technology. So much more different than saying:” Fuck it... we’re gonna’ just build big ass trucks and SUVs” So good for GM.

At this point I really don’t give one flying fuck what ANY of those GOP party members think. If that is really what they think then they need to do their jobs and get the man impeached and out of the White House.

I’m surprised the company is even still in existence at this point.

Are their designers drunk?

People are stupid. Whadaya’ bet that when its over the price will be pretty close to MSRP...

I’m going to make up my own set of things to break a record on. Oh yeah? I bet my car can go from 0-10MPH and then back to zero in about 5 seconds. Why... it... it’ll be a new record!!

It really tickles me that as hard as Trump Inc seems to be trying to fuck over our country that at least in this area he is failing miserably. Just this week GM announced a full 20 models of their cars will be fully electric. California and other states are on track to install an increasingly larger amount of solar

Too bad whoever wrote the response: I’m still not buying cars from that shitty brand...

Ya, there will dipshit.

That the best you got? I’ve yet to meet a single one of you Trump supportin’ morons who isn’t some sorry little dim-witted piece of trash. Electing Trump didn’t do shit either: you all are still losers and will be losers forever.

Trump supporters will one day burn in hell

Trump supporters can go fuck themselves.

Furthermore... and I mean this with all of the sincerity possible... all trump supporters are pieces of shit too and there will be a big, hot fucking fire in hell for them someday.

Trump is a piece of shit.

You’ve got to be fucking joking, right?

it already looks like a tired, old design.

Your comment sums my thoughts up exactly. After the election I haven’t looked at this country the same sense and I’ll probably never look at it the same moving forward.

Isn’t this from the era where the cars had a nasty tendency to slip into reverse?

Actually... I’m ok with this. I was almost certain that once again US auto companies would fuck up as usual and let all of the foreign competitors go full steam ahead with EVs while they continued making shit tons of huge SUVs and trucks. But just yesterday GM announced they will have many EV models by 2023 and now

It looks like something a high school kid would design...