
Then this guy is a dipshit. Less exposure means less sales. If that happens then good because karma is a bitch.

We all know where this is going: Jack shit won’t ever change and the shitty party that should not be calling the rules will get to do so anyway. Because that’s the kind of country we live in now where most of us simply want to move on and progress while a shrinking base of people want us to go back to the stone age.

As someone who more or less stopped watching the news after the election I was totally unaware of this. But today I was driving in town and noticed that all of the flags were flying at half mast. The very first thought that went through my head was : “ There was probably another mass shooting”.

I love how everyone else in the country just loves to hate em’ some California... Yes- its just hell on earth over here. Our economy is 7th largest in the world alone, above Italy and Russia. A whole shit ton of people keep moving here ( because of job opportunities) and when it comes to famous stuff like Apple,

My parents just got back from a trip to Norway, Germany and Switzerland. Both Norway and Switzerland were VERY, very expensive. Why? Because their governments collect a HUGE amount in taxes which is used for social programs and infrastructure. The result is that while the cost of living is high the overall standard of

This is a good thing for a probably unforeseen reason: As seen on this site numerous mainly European automakers are having major plans to electrify their entire lineups. The way I look at is that at least for the time being GM and Tesla are in a good spot with their own legitimate EVs in place. But as also seen the

Be careful which Ford diesel vehicle you get. A lot of my buddies who work on diesel engines claim the actual Ford diesels were pretty shitty.

These cars from this era is pretty much the epitome of VW shittiness. Every other person I knew who had one of these had serious problems with them.

This seems familiar.... Anyone remember back when the Ford Excursion came out? It was ridiculous and HUGE. It seriously looked like someone had taken a full sized E-350 van and done a chop. It also got around 10-12MPG.

I dunno... Either there’s something in the water or people were simply always this fucking crazy. I grew up in the rural south and I don’t really recall people having such extremist views and opinions and I’m pretty sure that had Trump come along then he would’ve never made it beyond a few speeches. Yet now whenever I

When is this shit going to end? I mean really. So far we’re now in almost a full year of this disaster of an administration and every goddamned day it seems that absolute worst of the worst in outright nasty, ass-backwards GOP plans or worse- truly awful people running on GOP tickets- keep on rising to the top. Just

I drove through Oklahoma one time. Jesus the state was fucking boring.

Tell you what.... go find me a law that states that we as Americans must either salute or pledge to the flag. If you can do that then you have a point. Otherwise you don’t.

Its good this is happening. Not only for him but also for all of those cars which would’ve simply sat around and rusted into the ground making them utterly useless to anyone else.

I wonder if Lada cars are like Russian watches. For awhile I was fascinated by these watches as they “looked” robustly built and how cool was it to own some old russian watch? So I got one a few years back. Jesus it was the biggest piece of shit! I wore it for maybe a few weeks before putting it in the drawer: It

Hope its better than the Dyson cleaner we owned for a year. Despite the cost it simply was just a so-so vacuum. I wound up buying a Shark instead which does a MUCH better job despite costing about 1/3rd the price.

So he was mad someone was throwing rocks at his show car but then proceeds to wreck said show car? That doesn’t make any sense...

I couldn’t remember all of the details. Seems like in the 70's and 80's the entire British auto industry got totally divided up, reformed, the companies absorbed one another, split pieces of themselves off, and then of course in the 90's were bought up by Ford and now owned by Tata. Who even makes their stuff? Who

He’s a dickhead. Doesn’t matter what his title says, whether he happened to bag groceries or pretend he’s the president doesn’t matter. He is a big asshole.

Technically they did and made a LOT of them too. Back when the Land Rover was part of Rover group, which made Rover cars.