
Its pretty stupid. I mean come on- one of the biggest car nuts is Mary Barra, CEO of General Motors and she’s doing a whole hell of a lot better job than the guys who were running it before. Secondly, its been proven repeatedly that women choose the family cars way more often then men and thus from a marketing

Yeah? Well who gives a flyin’ fuck about Nascar anyway. About the most boring damned thing anyone could waste their time watching.

Kaepernick is a modern day hero IMHO. Critics wail against it but in reality he’s representing the kind of freedom we are supposed to enjoy. Pretty ironic.

I was about to come here and say the exact same thing. These guys will screw themselves just like they did before when they made the exact same mistake. But the other thing is I wonder if they’re also going to do like what American electronics corporations did in the 70's: Shuffle off production to another country.

I’m so over having a total dipshit for a president. Seriously.

And you sir are a class A dipshit. So you think our country is now safer? ha ha ha ha!!! I mean we now have a godamned madman acting like an immature child, making rants against NK, bringing us to the brink of nuclear war. At this point if it came down to it I’d have no problem moving to Mexico City.

Put yourself in the shoes of this family. At least have a degree of sympathy. This is what happens when small minded Americans elect a racist piece of shit for their president.

This is not funny. Its horrifying. This is what you get when two batshit crazy people with severe immaturity levels interact with one another. Whatever is going on with the Russia investigation needs to become the outright No.1 priority, it needs to be massively accelerated and the impeachment process needs to be at

The thing is that I fart quite a bit myself. If its just me its not a big deal and I don’t even crack a smile. The second my wife is around all farts become amazingly hilarious. She of course hates farting.

I appreciate your feedback. While this isn’t a Tesla I do own a 6 year old Chevy Volt and prior to that a Prius. By doing a comparison of the Volt and the Prius the Prius over the course of 12 years and our typical driving habits would have cost us some $12,000 in gas costs versus the Volt which would cost around

No, not just because its a Volt. You can buy used BMW i3's, Nissan Leafs, Fiat 500e’s and Volts for a lot less than they were new and in all cases do so with low miles and remaining warranties.

It took years for my wife to convince me to finally go see someone about my anxiety and depression issues. I just didn’t think it was a problem. I got help and got meds that help me and basically became a “new man” and feel a lot better in general. I’ve made it a point to let others I know that its fine to do this.

And they all look so happy....

Wait two years. All EVs lose their values faster than anything. We bought a 2011 Volt in 2013 for 18k. It was 40k new. We’re waiting for the 2nd gen Volt to get to that age and then we’ll buy another one. Same goes for cars like the Fiat 500. Those can be picked up for ridiculously low prices gently used.

Of course Volvo is making the factory in the South: lower wages, no unions, less environmental regs, tax handouts from local governments etc.... Way to take advantage. Part of me as a Southerner is glad to see this but the other part sees it as yet another way to take advantage of people living in a region where the

You are a special kind of class-A dipshit if you think Obama or Clinton are at all similar to Trump and his ability to act like a fucking moron on a daily basis.

I’m not really cut out for spending that kind of money on a car. Yes- I make well more than enough to buy these kinds of cars but honestly, after spending years working in retail and making jack shit for money I’m pretty hesitant on spending money in general. Even my friends and family give me a hard time that I’m

This is about the dumbest thing I’ve seen.

Its another Hyundai that looks like a Jaguar/Infiniti/Lexus/Buick stuck in a blender...

I’m getting older but actually I still seek and listen to a lot of new stuff. Its just not played on commercial radio. Truth is that as of today there’s way more interesting music than there ever was. Just open Youtube and do random searches and there’s an endless array. On a given day I might listen to Rockabilly,