
Maybe I’m getting old but I feel that back when I was in high school pop music was actually sort of fun to listen to. A lot of what seems to crop up today is either morbid or depressing. I actually stopped listening to top-40 stuff a long time ago anyway since there’s so much better to be had from innumerable artists

Thanks. Got about 10 seconds into the video and realized that the music is just as shitty as literally every other pop song made today.

This is another one of these vehicles where I wonder: Who buys these things? Its pretty generic looking. Yes, it has a Mercedes badge but it more or less blends in with all the other crossover type vehicles.

How can it have been there since at least WW2 when in the same article there is a suggestion that the tire pattern dates the car to have been in use until the early 60's?

Well, his taste in music sucks too.

Guess it ain’t secret anymore...

People track everything. People drive nutso on the roads too. There was a dude in a late 90's Camero who was driving like an idiot this morning. I’m sure people also track their grocery-gettin’ SUVs too... and apparently Cayennes as well. Thus not sure that’s saying a whole lot.

That’s all wingnuts can do isn’t it? I swear none of you have a single original thought in your heads. All you do is deflect and then deflect on two things that are completely unrelated. You guys elected a dipshit for President. Own it.

Yeah but if everyone pokes fun of your whale of an SUV... then who cares? Besides, nobody that buys these things is gonna go to the race track anyway. These will only be used to go get groceries at whole foods, dropping the kids off at private school and parking in the garage of some gaudy McMansion...

Because I demanded it...

I have to admit that’s the first thing it reminded me of too. It looks like kissin’ cousins to the Durango.

Meh.... Its just a big bulbous whale of another SUV.

I could also tell it to the people who already own their model 3's. In fact I saw two last week. Nobody is waiting on any the EV’s shown above since they are just concepts. Big difference: Tesla is actually manufacturing their cars right now and selling them. VW is several years off from even making anything like that.

The interior looks pretty awful. As in 90's GM awful.

Ah yes.... someone made some nice 3D mockups on a PC. Meanwhile, its another production day at Tesla....

Understand that this guy is full of shit. He isn’t dumb, but this is pretty much classic fear mongering. If Trump manages to make it through the pending investigations unscathed, which I sincerely doubt he will, Every American who didn’t vote last time WILL be voting next time and they will vote this clown out of

Yeah cept’ they don’t have Cadillacs in the UK.

Well duh... anyone who had a tater cannon when they were kids knows what happens when you spray flammable stuff into an enclosed space and provide a spark...

Indeed. Isn’t the largest HD club in the world actually Japan?

EDIT: I read the data incorrectly. Arg.