
EDIT: I was looking at the data incorrectly. Many have pointed that out to me. But to allow continuity to my reply and the responses I’ll leave my original comment.

You said “ Whilst” which makes me think you’re perhaps British. But anyway just thinking that made me realize that you know... its also not a great idea to promote a brand overseas as being this super-American, in your face brand, especially not in an era of Trump where ultra-nationalism reeks of his nasty agenda.

I’ve mentioned this before but if HD wants to attract new and younger buyers they’ll have to do more than just introduce new bikes. They need to overhaul their brand and marketing presence too. Their branding is totally geared towards primarily older, middle-aged white conservative males. Its all drenched in “Murica”,

It seriously looks like a Lincoln.

Is it me or do all nasty Republican politicians also look pretty nasty too?

Uh... ever seen the quality of what most CCTV footage looks like? Its usually beyond shitty like watching a badly worn out VHS tape. Not sure that’s such a great reference point for self-driving applications...

I look at it another way: The GOP as well as the far-right faction of their voting base are clawing out of a enlarging hole they’ve been sinking in for years. The tides have turned and their numbers are no longer enough to win elections. So they cheat. Gerrymandering, suppression, and even collusion with foreign

Just plain, pure, hateful and mean. That is all that the Trump admin is about. And his followers are just as mean and nasty as he is because they are probably crowing like little chickens over this too. Nevermind that none of his supporters did jack shit in school and hence wound up being losers with shitty jobs. But

If anything he deserves to be laughed out of office. The man is literally everything conservatives claim Liberals are: He is a weak little crybaby of a man who bitches, complains and throws silly tantrums if anyone says anything bad about him. His pettiness is frankly embarrassing. I feel even more sorry for his sad

Why don’t you and all the other Trump dipshits go somewhere else and waste electricity typing your useless horse manure.

I’ve lived in the Bay Area for 20+ years and always wanted to go. But I’ve been at enough parties over the years with burners to know I’d probably not love it. Seems like all these folks do is listen to loud techno ( the annoying kind too) and stay permanently drunk/high, which is great when you’re 25. Plus I find I

Thanks for the insite!

They are probably overjoyed that for once their trucks have an actual practical use.

I’ve always been fascinated that reliability is so overlooked on this site and ironically the best-made, more reliable cars are also the vehicles the most scoffed at. I live in the SF bay Area where BMW 3 series are as common as Camrys elsewhere. I’ve met so many people who’ve owned these kinds of cars which albeit

What annoys me about many German cars is how many are designed and in many cases made difficult to service. I keep my MIL’s VW Jetta in service and even the dumbest things are many magnitudes worse to fix than on any of my Toyotas. I replaced a leaking window washer tank on hers recently and it required moving a

I bet she’s like a lot of people who will look for the smallest excuse to buy a shiny new thing. Sure- the A6 is probably a piece of garbage. Most German cars are a pain in the ass. But yes- I agree with you, its far cheaper to fix than to buy another. As far as ditching cars at 100k, well cars today are meant to last

Actually I own a Japanese truck, a 60+ year old classic and a 6 year old Chevy Volt. I’d say about 40-50% of the people I know who have bought German cars have had either a continual occurrence of little, annoying issues or they’ve had catastrophic failures. The cars are grossly over-engineered and difficult to work

I’m on a whole nuther’ level of cheapness. I own a 22 year old Tacoma and a 6 year old Volt I bought used since they depreciate drastically. The way I look at it is that I have a shitty commute so might as well drive beaters...

PS: I own a 2011 Chevy Volt...

Volvo is more or less the same as a Mercedes these days. Just another snotty euro-branded car ( But maybe different in that its owned by a Chinese company now)