
The fact that the Audi- which BTW, a 2010 car is STILL pretty new and 100k is not really many miles- has had lots of problems should tell you that guess what? A lot of those “upscale” cars are pretty terrible when it comes to reliability. Why does it have to be upscale anyway? Some of the plebeian brands just too

I always hated this generation of Camaro. That and the same era Mustang. Both looked like they had been popped out of a plastic molding machine.

Where are they coming up with these numbers for maintenance costs? As in where did the 70k come from for the Lincoln? The old Town cars used the Panther platform, which had been around forever and ever and by that point was more or less bulletproof. I’ve been in a number of Crown Vic cabs that had well over 500k on

Its laced with..... Truth Serum!

I’ll be even more happy when their Dad is impeached or otherwise leaves the White House and takes them with him.

... and then some mean little kid takes out his ole’ reliable Daisy BB gun...

Ok, I will begrudgingly admit that you are grammatically correct. But I am irate that you ruined my insult.

Sort of like what Scrooge said: “ Help reduce the surplus population”

Wrong! ( Mother was an English teacher ) . You should have said:

Actually you can’t posses chemotherapy. Its a medical practice.

I was just playin’ too. Besides, they have chemotherapy anyway... ha ha ha!

whoopty-do. I can’t even keep up with all the stupid variations that Jeep has these days with all of their rednecky names.... Yes... The Jeep Cherokee great hawk with lightnin’ bolts and howlin’ wolf super-special edition!

I’m smoking the truth.

Ok, fine. Its just fuckin’ ugly. There.

Go get cancer.

It is.

Its still just an incredibly ugly vehicle. Its like Porsche looked at a 90's era Dodge Durango and slapped a Porsche front end on it.

RE: Tacoma guy. My Tacoma is 22 years old. It just runs. No issues, no headaches, cheap parts... That’s it. If you had owned one perhaps you would be singing a different tune. All I know is that most other trucks this age are typically already turned into razor blades.

Nope. Because the right wing actually chose a fascist for their leader. Thus they actually deserve to be called shit heads.

ha ha ha!!! That was great.