
Anytime someone parrots the term “Leftist” its means they are full of shit.

Yeah? Well I’m a 5th generation Southern guy here and I actually had relatives who fought in the Civil War and have family heirlooms as well. That flag to me is nothing more than something losers tend to stick on their trucks, in their yards or whatever as a lame compensating device.

That people read the kind of shit that these loony sites produce and actually believe it is further proof of the failure of our education system.

Tesla needs to take a breather. There are already numerous in-town electric truck manufactures, they have barely released the Model 3, and lastly... god PLEASE don’t make a truck that looks like that. It looks awful!

Ironically some years of the Odyssey have pretty bad transmissions issues, which is rare for Honda. I think the 2006(ish) years were the ones.

I love rich people. They’ll happily pay more for dirt won’t they? And isn’t it cute that the photos appear to have been photoshopped for that oh-so-grungy yet pleasantly lit look?

Will it? Its not been exactly a long time since Kia stopped making piles of crap. OTOH I still see a whole ton of not only Odesseys but Accords, Civics, and other familiar Japanese brands that are 20+ years old running just fine down the freeway. Has Kia/Hyundai improved? Hell yeah they have. But they haven’t earned

Its the same issue I have with a lot of Kia’s and Hyundai’s lineup. Yes, initially there’s some pleasing stuff going on there but at the end of the day it looks pretty generic and forgettable. Its like its a brand without an identity and instead the cars all look like some sort of familiar hodge-podge of styles

Mine constantly had carb problems and also for some reason the exhaust ports would clog with carbon every 6 months even though I used exactly the right 2 cycle mix. I bought a used Honda Elite after that and that thing ran and ran and ran and I never did a thing to it.

Spoken like someone who doesn’t know what they’re talking about.

I used to own one. They will run forever as long as you’re willing to continually funnel money into fixing them. All the time.

Holy shit. They probably have more superchargers then we have here!

Yep... we mean doing that versus using a car that burns crude oil 100% of the time. What’s your point?

Jesus. It sure would be nice if my company somehow figured we too needed some Model X’s.

Why? Because I can’t tell the difference between this and the Atlas. They look damned near the same. Plus the US market is already saturated with crossovers anyway...

Its more than just updating the bikes and while yes- these are somewhat of a departure they still more or less look like the exact same kind of bikes they’ve always made. If they want to get serious they need to consider updating their brand too. As it stands now the branding is still very much “ Gawd Bless Murica”,


Ha! I totally know what you’re talking about. I work in graphic design and I’ve had past jobs where the design directors also wanted to see the stuff outside, which made zero sense: All of the work was to be shown indoors with fluorescent lighting...

Jesus! Those are seriously screaming deals on ALL of those pictured above! I would’ve gladly bought the Studebaker and Caddy.

Sometimes I think the rich are bored. This is some of the most hoity-toity, useless bullshit. Outdoor lighting changes constantly and to simply shine a light on color samples won’t ever really show the true spectrum of how the color shall look most of the time.