
The oil crisis was long over by 1977 as it had ended by 1974.

What good did ruining the car do anyway? Now that its trashed the creditors won’t get their money back now.

Agreed. The i3 is just horrendously ugly looking. I’d say at this point the most “normal”looking of the group is the current Volt. Looks sort of like a Honda somethingoranother...

That’s not saying a whole lot. I’ve seen a few of these at work and they aren’t exactly a good looking vehicle either. If anything they look kind of stupid. Looks like a minivan with an oversized, cartoonishly placed Mercedes grill stuck to the front.

Its because its not that great of a car. It costs over 40k and has the same range as a Leaf. There are a few I see around here and the impression I get from them are that they were bought by folks who like the idea of an “ EV” but can’t stand the idea of buying a plebeian brand like Nissan, Chevy, or Toyota.

Pretty much all German cars. And “Bro Trucks”.

My lame opinion is that perhaps for once Trump supporters are starting to realize that the game is up. Trump showed his ass last week and most Americans are just fed up with all of it and are done letting his hateful supporters make us look like some joke of a racist 3rd world country.

Looks like its shaping up to be yet another boring looking Toyota. Surprise.

I’d seriously just drive the snot out of it.


I don’t have an issue with a Chinese firm buying Jeep. Look at Volvo: the brand has been utterly revitalized under Chinese ownership. But in that case because Geely let Volvo go back to developing their own drivetrains and platforms themselves versus whatever Ford did, which was to shove Ford engines or use Mazda

I’m a white southern guy who moved west years ago. Even though about half of the family is fairly liberal by southern standards, even some of them simply don’t “get it”, as in people like my Uncle seem unable to fully admit that yes- there is a SEVERE race problem in this country and Trump is truly and fully a

Do not believe a single word this piece of garbage says. Bannon is full of shit no matter what he claims.

I grew up in a very small Southern “town”. As in it took an hour by bus to collect all of the far-flung kids to gather them at one, small country school. When I was in 4th grade a survivor from Auschwitz came to speak to us. At the time I had absolutely no concept of antisemitism, the Holocaust, or Nazi Germany. She

I own an old Volt and have driven a Model S. All it took for me was driving the Model S around the block a few times to feel that it was far superior to anything I’d experienced in a car.

Yes, there has been some criticism of Tesla, their interiors, autopilot, etc etc and in many ways critics and consumers are a bit harsh on the brand. Its easy to forget that every other automaker- all of them magnitudes bigger than Tesla- all have a “me too!” car on the horizon in oh... 2-4 years. Meanwhile you can

Don’t be so lazy. Read my responses to the literally 5 other people like you who said the same bullshit

I am all too aware of the facts as I’ve been morbidly curious about NK for years. Sure- its easy to say- hell, let’s “ take it on” as you suggest. But that ignores the fact that nuclear weapons or not North Korea has a rather massive military, albeit filled with outdated weaponry but that’s less important seeing as

These cars aren’t selling well, or at least from what I see. I have seen maybe 2 total, and that’s here in the SF Bay Area where people tend to buy whatever latest-greatest euro-thing as soon as its on the lots.

The person who left the note is a chicken shit piece of garbage. And I’ll bet $10 that if they find who did this they will sob like a baby and make up some bullshit, lame excuse why they did it, or that oh- how sorry they are and they’ll never-ever do it again.