
Maybe I didn’t word my response more clearly, but I don’t think Kim is at all rational. In fact he and Trump are probably very similar to one another: immature and inexperienced leaders who care very deeply about their outward appearances to their constituents. Both are seeking ways to “prove” their worthiness. Trump

I blame him for the current situation. He basically , by running his mouth caused the otherwise blustering rhetoric we’ve come to expect from North Korea to get ratcheted up 20-fold. Its what you get when suddenly there are two highly immature leaders who care more for their own egos than their people. He has


Ur a piece of human fecal matter. With bits of corn in it too.

Were you?

Has this been a problem for decades? Yes. How big of a problem was it before Trump decided to open his mouth and act like a damned kid- the same as the North Koreans? A whole hell of a lot bigger.

I will stand by my statement. Trump more or less ratcheted things from level 2 or 3 to 10 with just a single statement. Clinton, Bush, and Obama all handled North Korea exactly the way they should be, which is to react to North Korea’s idiotic statements by simply ignoring them. At the end of the day North Korea

First of all, if you want to have a discussion at least act like you’re not 12. Second of all yes- the current situation we’re in, with overly heated rhetoric and threats IS in fact Trump’s fault. You have one overly immature brat as the leader in North Korea acting as he always does, blustering away which is nothing

The blame goes for the idiot some people call President currently residing.

I will!

I just farted.

This site seems to have jumped the shark. This is about the 4 article I’ve seen here about the same damned thing. As in where are 12 Lexus.

These folks going after Burton are evil. He is seriously one of the nicest people. On and off the stage and I used to LOVE watching him on reading rainbow when I was a kid.

I too am from the South. I grew up in a town barely big enough to be called a town. I stayed there until I was in my 20's and then moved away to California. Best damned decision I ever made.

I seriously cannot tell the difference between any of Lexus’s model SUVs or cars anymore. They more or less look all exactly the same.

I can respect HD for their product. But their brand has become the equivalent of a “Bro-dozer” lifted truck complete with energy drink and “badass” type stickers, a light bar and so on. In other words probably owned by the exact same carbon-copy person who looks exactly as you’d expect someone to when owning one.

There is seriously not one single model that FCA produces at this time that I find either interesting or desirable.

The big three make shitty beer anyway. OTOH there’s around 6,000 microbreweries in the US and most of them make far better stuff than the big three by far.

1st gear:

No mystery here. Trump is such a grossly feeble man and he’s freakin’ the fuck out over the fact that damning evidence will be hitting the proverbial fan soon and that it will probably spell the end of his presidency. So no better way than just randomly spew off a bunch of shit in an lame attempt to get people to look