
This right here has become the newest , most desired hipster-mobile. Screw the Volvos, its Westfalias all the way! Now go out and blow your 10k before the next trendy vehicle replaces it next year and steals that crown.

People have wayyyy to much fucking time on their hands...

ha ha ha ha ha!!!!

This weekend I was reminded why changing the oil on my Chevy Volt is such a pain in the ass. It only needs to get changed once a year so its not a frequent thing. But still- the front skirt of the car is so low that it will push the ramps out of the way. The only way I’m able to do this is to get a 2x4, place that in

But will anything happen? I feel that on a daily basis new stories and revelations about Trump and his admin pop up and yet NOTHING happens. Its really discouraging to see story after story after story that makes Watergate look like a non-event and yet Trump is still in office?

The title is all you need to know. Why someone would buy something that looks pretty much like a Honda Pilot begs the question: Why would anyone buy an unreliable Honda Pilot?

They need to stop slapping Jeep and Dodge badges on crappy Fiat vehicles for starters. Then they need to consider an entirely new lineup because an awful lot of what they now offer is outdated.

It kind of annoys me that this site has had a number of “the model 3 will fail” type stories. Ironic because people seem to easily forget that while the Model 3 and model S are here and being sold practically ALL of the other manufactures- both foreign and domestic- with an exception to GM and the Bolt- are promising

Don’t worry. I’ve been to Portland a few times and the whole place was totally saturated with rainwater. I could not live somewhere that gets that volume of rain and so I have no plans to move there.

I’ve thought about it a lot for years. I grew up in a very rural, southern area and to be honest I am sorta-kinda ok with it... so long as I can buy a huge chunk of land that isolates me from the neighbors, which is what my parents did.

Yup, that’s why commutes are so bad. I bought my house 5 years ago over here in the east bay for $450k. Now of course it would be like 800k. Anywhere near Palo Alto, Redwood City, SF or any of the other tech-heavy areas is ungodly expensive and so we commute. Its too bad that so much of the tech biz is squished into

Yeah, me either. In fact I barely go to SF anymore at all. Now I go only 1 or 2 times a year... ridiculous given I can see the city from my freakin’ house!

Well, by Sierras I mean Auburn, Grass Valley and so on. Just the foothills really.

Yeah... lesson learned! We usually get up at 5:30-6:00 and go up that way and its smooth sailing. Either that or late at night. We won’t ever leave in the afternoon because that was AWFUL! We were backed up in Davis for an hour alone.

The traffic here is becoming a real nightmare. I live in the East Bay and commute to Palo Alto and yes, I work in tech ( boooo! ).

He looks just as batshit crazy as every other person in this admin. What is up with the possessed looking eyes?

Good. Buy them all. We will all be so very jealous....

1990's-era Mercedes and their then notorious quality control issues with a good 20+ years left to age? Yeah.... sounds like a grrreat idea....

I’ve got close to 100,000 miles on my Volt and our previous car, a 2002 Prius had 260,000 miles on it. Batteries in these tend to last just as long as the car itself.

Are you being sarcastic? If so then that was hilarious. If you are at all serious then fuck you. Fuck you, and fuck every single person who voted for Trump.