
Sorry to say that I do not agree with what you claim.

I’m not transgendered but trumps decision on banning transgendered people from service makes me more angry than I can recall in a long time.

Right back at you since you also failed to address anything I said.

You’re kidding me.... right? The GOP was from the very start well-funded by a vast array of well-monied umbrella organizations such as Americans for Prosperity, The Cato Institute and many others that carry water for the healthcare industry whom use them as financial funnels in which to influence congress and the

Funny how my friend from the UK who lives here now, my former boss from New Zealand, and various other people I’ve known from other countries have never mentioned having to wait for their healthcare.

I call your bullshit. Obama did it because unlike our current dipshit excuse of a President he actually had a heart and soul and cared about people.

If you buy this.... you are an idiot.

Oh I see what you’re saying: Things were a lot better before the evil, nasty ole’ gubbermint got involved. Yes... back in good ole’ 1910 when anyone, and especially the poor and underprivileged were often not given any treatment whatsoever.

No they didn’t. Prices were accelerating at a clip that was unsustainable prior to the ACA. And I am so god damned tired of that old-ass, Reagan era bullshit about “Gubbermint bein’ da problem” when in turn 99.999% of the folks I have met who say that then in turn never bat an eye when it comes to the billions and

The ACA is a piece of legislation that at the time was meant to be improved and streamlined. It is far from perfect. Perhaps if the GOP had spent their time coming up with better ideas instead of simply being outright against it every single step of the way we would be in far better shape.

Do you run 8 miles every single day? Do you never eat fast food? Are you at all flabby? Do you apply sunscreen every time you go out in heck sun? I do all of those things. If you don’t I won’t pay for your healthcare. See where I’m going?

Yes indeed. The no compete clause was yet another mean set on which to standardize medical costs, which in turn brings price stabilization . Prior to that prices were rising rampantly.

Except we tried that already. Prices WERE rising rapidly and drastically prior to the ACA. I’ve already explained this in more detail in an earlier response. But the free market in healthcare means to maximize profits and prior to the ACA many firms did so by cutting more expensive “customers” loose in the case they

The reason Obamacare was created was because the sheer volume of bankruptcies occurring due to healthcare issues was starting to pull down the economy. We’re talking 10's of billions of dollars per year and it was accelerating drastically. Most of this was because of the then common practice from various healthcare

My Grandfather landed in Normandy the day after the initial invasion. Anyway from my historical observations the Soviets had already more or less beat the Germans. They’d had their asses handed to them along the eastern front. I will not belittle the efforts of any country. In the end it was a monumental,

I guess I’m just confused as to why Toyota and Honda are being so cautious when it comes to EVs. They both were early pioneers in hybrids. We owned a 01' Prius and we traded it in with 260,000 miles for a used Volt and it was still perfectly fine. So their engineering is excellent. Yet now they’re veering off into

Toyota is a good company and most of their products are solid. But I think they made a bad judgment call going hydrogen. Everyone else has jumped on the EV bandwagon because it makes more sense: infrastructure already exists, its less complicated, there are existing subsidies and on top of that its not like hydrogen

I get your point and it is well-taken but the average consumer is blind to anything other than the retail price. Yes- I have seen a few of these here in the Bay Area where lots of wealthy people live. I am sure these cars have a niche appeal for some folks who are curious about the technology. But beyond that I don’t

If it was so well engineered then it wouldn’t be a piece of unreliable junk ( albeit an expensive one). And that more or less sums up what goes on with so many German cars: Yes, if you look at the parts individually there’s clearly more thought and attention to detail. A door hinge will look like a work of art. But

Not mentioned: These cars cost almost $60k. Yup, 60k for a uglier looking Prius.