
Nah... The K-car series was something that existed in the realm of the mid-80s and then since they were shitty cars maybe a few hung on through the mid-90's. I’m almost 40 and by the time I was in high school a lot of those cars were already at the crusher. Someone who’s 30 either wasn’t around or were in diapers when

It depends on the generation of Volt. The first gen Volt ( the version I own ) is on average good for around 38 miles on the battery. Its also sort of sensitive to how you drive. So if you drive it like a ‘normal’ car-aka no hard accelerations and easing down when traffic slows then you’re looking more at 33-34 miles.


Sorry but the caps button on my computer broke. Otherwise I’d write in all caps 100% of the time. I feel ashamed.

I am of course instantly in 1000% agreement with you but only because you responded in all caps, which of course means its super-duper important.

You only dislike it because its not old enough to be “cool” yet or weird enough to be prime hipster-fodder. Give it 30 years. That or wait until hipsters start liking them. Then you’ll love it.

I have a 6 year old Volt and can confirm. The cars are cheap to run and for other reasons not mentioned:

maybe this means they’ll get cheap faster. I’d love to have one of these things as a commuter car. A friend of mine bought one and the things can seriously haul ass.

Because Toyota the brand is better in terms of actual quality than Mercedes. That you could point to any number of old Toyotas that are well beyond the 30 year mark still on the freeway or that practically all of the Toyotas owned by people I’ve known have not had any problems to speak of or that many have had well

I would happily wager you $100 that if I were to place my 55 Mercury Monterey next to this truck that not a soul would say my car was ugly. In fact I often leave my garage door open and I receive an almost non-stop stream of compliments from people old and young.

There’s another consideration that many Americans probably don’t want to even think about and this scary thought would be that the US just possibly entered into a new era of its history. This country has ALWAYS been somewhat of a clusterfuck of entirely opposite ideologies and politics but yet somehow that difference

22 years and going strong on my taco with 265,000 miles. I remember back when mine was new people said they might not be as good since they were being made in the US at that point. Seems like mine has held up better than even the older Japanese built trucks.

Probably because people would make fun of anyone buying this truck. Well in the us anyway...

Your Tacoma will still likely be on the road 20 years from now, merrily humming along but whatever this Mercedes truck is will probably either be a rolling piece of unreliable crap or have already been sent to be recycled.

Not only is this hilariously ugly but pointless. So they took a nissan and stuck a gaudy looking grill and a Mercedes badge. Whoopee. Surely I can’t be the only person who thinks this is kind of dumb.

I wish Subaru would go back to making wagons versus whatever this and their other products are. Their design is now so utterly confusing: They want you to remember that at one time they actually made wagons. The stuff they have now are basically just SUVs with little bits and pieces that whisper the long-gone days of

... does it really fucking matter? Really? At this point I’d vote for a goddamned rock- anything other than Trump and I get a feeling a lot of Americans feel the same way.

She is a fucking quack. The sad part is that way too many Americans get their information from these sorry ass losers... and that is why we have the biggest quack of them all in office.

Tell you what.... when you find an article that shows BMWs or frankly any other German brand get the same, consistently good, long term reliability and quality marks as Lexus you can let me know. Otherwise I’ll continue saving shit-tons of money driving my boring ole’ pedestrian Toyotas...

You keep posting results that aren’t for long-term reliability. Oh- and nice try bolstering your so-called argument proclaiming the people I mentioned bought their cars from “shitty places” especially seeing as how 2 came from actual BMW dealerships. Perhaps if the cars were not shitty they would not have had