
Maybe because the car is pretty ugly. As in weird undersea monster ugly.

This seriously makes me sick to my stomach. What is happening to this country?

The GOP is a whole are a bunch of shit heads and I’m sure that they’re possibly in panic mode. If Trump winds up getting impeached over the Russia thing its game over for them. Trump is their last hurrah in their current xenophobic form and they know it too. So that explains why every single law they’ve been going

Can they possibly make trucks any uglier?

My Grandmother still has hers, a 1997 model. Its got around 220,000 miles and seems to be holding up fine even though she did clip her mailbox a few years ago. Actually these are surprisingly fun cars to drive.

Trump and his entire admin are full of crap. Yeah, I know that sounds really elegant. But whatever. I’m over this nonsense.

That’s pretty damned rich since Audi doesn’t have the car in production at all and won’t be until 2019. In other words they’re bragging for all of the wrong reasons. Show us the actual car and maybe, just maybe we will care.


Part of me can’t help but feel.... so what? Its just a Golf that has different color painted body parts. How about next time just buying a running Golf and take a quick trip to the paint and body shop instead? Just because something is rare doesn’t make it amazing.

Yeah and its worse given that I can’t go back and edit it. Thus the point I was trying to make is totally worthless!

Ah crap. I did!

Bolts. Then again this is Silicon Valley where people seem to enjoy spending lots of money on cars...

Granted I live in California where they have been sold for some time. But there’s probably 10 Volts in the office parking lot I work at already. They’re selling the snot out of those things.

GM deserves more credit then it tends to get. While VW, BMW, and it seems everyone else claims to have an EV on the horizon by 2020 or something GM has quietly been making Bolts. Are they sexy? No. Are there waiting lines? No. But they work and work well.

Easy question for me except it was a car my Dad bought. Back when I was in high school my dad wound up buying a HUGE Ford F-250 and then getting a job that required a 2 hour commute shortly afterwards. So he decided to save fuel he’d just buy some econo car to go back and forth to work in. The car he chose was an 88'

And thus the crux of the issue Cadillac has had for years: They show up with jawdropping, gorgeous concepts, many that look totally real, as in production-ready and then NEVER go forward with them. Yes- their current lineup is good. But its basically “as good” as most of the competition... which isn’t good enough. If

To be honest I rarely discuss politics these days either. I don’t really watch or listen to the news either because its all so depressing and surreal.

This is really impressive actually. The damage to the frontal crash test shows basically no damage to the cab area at all.

Good question. It really depends on where you live and what you see. I grew up in the rural South and EVERY single person that lived around us was without question a hard-core conservative. Now I live in coastal California where conservatives are as rare as hen’s teeth. But its a HUGE state and all one has to do is

The reason Hillary lost has been repeatedly stated over and over again. She was not an energizing candidate. Yes- I voted for her because the notion of Trump winning turned my stomach. But even though I am a fairly hard-left leaning Democrat I could never bring myself to be excited about her. She lost because Trump