
I’ve seen a few reports on these and it sounds like they will go at least 238 miles, often more. My theory is that when GM first released the Volt, which was supposed to go 40 miles on the battery it turned out that the 40 mile range was only if you absolutely babied the car, drove it very conservatively and the

I went from seeing a Bolt every other day to now seeing shit loads of them within a few months. To be fair this is California where people go nuts over these kinds of cars. But it was the same with the Prius first came out. Clearly whatever GM is doing works. That and after seeing them on the roads the cars are

For non-Americans reading this: We are sorry for this joke of a man. Understand that MANY of us dislike him every bit as much as you do. Most of us did not vote for him. Most of us want him to step down. But most importantly- sorry.

I’ll go ahead and say it: This is what happens when you allow your military to get insanely huge.

I cannot help but feel that Trump’s wife and son would rather be doing exactly 5,000 other things rather than walking with that thing with the shitty hair next to them. I genuinely feel sorry for Barron.

Sometimes I wonder if this is simply some bizarre dream I’m having or maybe I’m in some kind of long-term comma. I simply cannot fathom that there are actual humans who can sit there, emit words or phrases with a straight face, and actually speak as if Trump is a legitimate anything.

He more or less represents what the GOP has turned into. Old. Out of touch. Probably just as amazed as we are that their party still exists. They all know this is their last hurrah.

I probably spoke far too soon. The further details Comey mentioned today with regard to his statements are rather damnding. I’d say Trump will eventually face the consequences of this at some point in the future and hopefully the sooner the better.

You’ll have to explain the crazy things the left has done. As far as I can tell its been things like creating the start of socialized medicine and civil rights for others. And I’m sorry but talk all day long till the cows come home about Hillary and the stupid emails: What Trump does on an almost daily basis now is

Actually let me help correct your statement. This isn’t about the left or the right. Trump has shown himself to be mentally unstable and prone to repeated instances that in some cases place the safety of the country at risk. I have NUMEROUS friends and family members whom lean right and in some cases far right. They

Can’t help but state that so far I’m a little disappointed. Comey’s statements are not conclusive and simply leaves things exactly the same, meaning we still have a lunatic aimlessly wandering around the White House making a general mockery of the US political system. From reading his statements Trump was acting VERY

Its just astronomical to me. I grew up in a VERY rural, conservative area and had gay friends and family members and it wasn’t a big deal to anyone in my family or any of my friends. It was heavily frowned upon to treat people with disrespect. It was just basic manners.

Surprised? No, not really. Trump is basically a walking talking piece of shit and as such pieces of shit generally do shitty things. Why should anyone be surprised?

I read story after story of some Republican yet again making some kind of ass-backwards law or otherwise acting like general fuckheads and wonder- Where do these people come from? Is there some secret sewer that exists where these pieces of shit ooze out of? These people are simply unreal.

How hipsterly!~

Stop calling him the President. He’s just a piece of human fecal matter..

These are seriously some of the most generic looking cars. There isn’t one single memorable thing about it. In fact I have to scroll back up to remember what I just looked at. But hey- its cheaper than a Lexus, right?

Fair enough...

Duh? Did he not realize that Trump is a shithead like the rest of us did almost as soon as Trump started his campaign? Exactly why should he or is he surprised?

Hell- My Aunt had an 87' Cadillac Brougham and that thing had ash trays and lighters in every door as well as one built into the rear of the front seats.