
I’m the opposite. This is probably not going to go away, the press should stay on top of it, and if we’re lucky Trump along with his cabinet will get impeached and forced to resign. All of us with brains knew Trump as President wasn’t a real thing and we will likely be proven right in the end.

Know what’s also useful? Donkey carts.

I’ve never been a fan of either cars or trucks with these tiny little pointless beds. Like the Chevy Avalanche for example: Great big truck... teeny truck bed good for not much of anything. A former housemate of mine had a Baja. They look pretty dumb in person.

This thing. Because it “was” a station wagon so adding a 2 foot long bed makes absolutely zero sense...

I get a feeling what we’re seeing really only scratches the surface of what’s been happening inside this admin....

I’m not surprised in regards to the Coral Sea. A few years ago I stumbled upon this. The pictures tell a 1,000 words...

I volunteered on a WW2 aircraf carrier and painting over the steam pipes was actually par for the course. Sounds like that all that seamen who had nuttin’ to do were given orders to paint the ship... meaning they painted damned near everything. So by the time we ever worked on it the steam pipes had probably 10-15

On a daily basis I wonder how in the fuck we elected the most awful person in history to be out President. Its because a lot of shitheads live here and this story proves this out.

He also smoked like a madman too and unfortunately the comdination of smoking and asbestos exposure provides a mechanism where the irratation to the lungs from constant smoking amplifies the effects of asbestos very dramatically.

Ships have historically also been amazingly toxic things as well. Anyone that has ever walked around an old WW2 carrier/museum will find miles and miles and miles of steam pipes, which powered everything on the ship and ALL was of course covered in asbestos pipe lagging. The pipe fitters who constructed or worked on

Here’s the problem: the author is too young to really know what these cars were like when they were new. Sorry but Yugos were total pieces of shit. Why? Because the cars would prematurely wear out their timing belts in 30k or less and then self-destruct. They also had a nasty tendency to crack their intake manifolds.

And you know what? Not a damned thing will be done about it will it? Trump should have been impeached 1 second after he swore in, but no- seems like no matter what these putrid people do nothing ever happens.

You’re a kid and you’ll soon be off to college: Get a beater Civic and call it a day

Oh well. Can’t say he wasn’t warned...

And you have a good day too, you piece of human excrement...

I love fixing up old crap like the next guy and have restored my fair share of “rusty gold”, but holy hell man... there isn’t hardly anything left of that Jeep of yours. It looks to be made mostly of rust and at this point you’d almost certainly not only save more money but also save your sanity if at this point you


Anyone else notice Trump says everything Twice? WTF is up with that anyway?

My boss had a birthday party up in the Sierras a few months ago and as it snows a lot and there were 8 people going he rented a new Suburban. He said the things was just insanely nice inside and felt more like a luxury car than a truck. A far cry from back when these things were barely more than a Chevy truck...

Trump is utterly full of shit. Amazing that we went from having a truly respectful, honest and decent person running the country just a few weels ago to having this sorry sack of shit I wouldn’t even want to be in the same grocery store with in charge.