
This is beyond appalling. I mean really, really appalling.

Let us cut to the chase. There have been no terrorist attacks from those countries listed on US soil. This ban was entirely uncalled for, not needed, and it makes our country look like a racist shithole full of dumfucks.

And this... is why one should NEVER buy older cars in the snow belt. I moved from Boston to California 17 years ago. A few friends came out with me, one bringing his 8 year old Nissan Sentra. The underside of the car as well as under the hood looked like they had come from the wreck of the Titanic. The engine was a

The result here will probably be the same as it has been with all of Trump’s decisions so far. Whatever the worst possible choice, regardless of what everyone else except for his diehard middle America supporters warns against- he will of course choose the absolute worst decision every single time.

Why bother writing this? The GOP have been doing this for decades. They assume their base is too stupid to know whats really going on ( latest election is probable proof that they are correct ) and so why should they change what works?

Ok, so let’s have a discussion. A serious discussion.

The list is growing on this guy. His businesses and conflicts of interest are enough to cause his impeachment. Whether this will cause it in the end who knows... the GOP seems happy for now to let the bull loose in the china cabinet.

You sound like another tiresome fox robot. Stop wasting my time. You got your fucking puppet now and if we wrecks the country it will be the fault of YOU who voted for that piece of shit.

Evidentally you’ve forgotten that Obama inherited those two wars and that he also responsibly drew down the number of troops over time.

As crazy as it seems to say to myself this, I too would actually dearly love to have Mike Pence as the President. Not long ago I couldn’t help but figure he was worse than Trump. But Trump seems to be totally mentally incompetent and has some SERIOUS issues that makes him unstable, which is alarming.

Trump needs to get Impeached like yesterday and his cabinet fired. This is outright surreal and ridiculous at the same time.

yeah... that totally makes fucking sense... vote for the stupid ass motherfucker instead... fucking Trump supporters...

Like we all needed to see this...

Oh, so you’re saying that the people who signed up to protect ALL Americans should be out there “trolling” us? Making people pissed off? If that is your definition of what people in the military should be doing then we are not on the same page.

Anyone else find it just a tad ironic that these guys are so excited about Trump? Its as if they are just rarin’ to go off to war. Yes. Cheer for the guy who talks like a 10 year old and does a lot of saber rattling....

... you waited almost 2 years to respond?

Yeah. Like a terrible thing can become even worse.

You’re probably going to hate yourself soon because those cars wern’t made the butt of jokes for nothing. They were true pieces of shit even new and you’d better learn real fast how to change the timing belt on this thing. The belts had a tendency to wear out prematurely which then would destroy the upper end of the

The only sources claiming Russia didn’t hack our election are various right winger media outlets... like Breitbart and its former white nationalist CEO, now top Trump cabinet member

The news ever since Trump won the election more or less proves something I knew deep down inside and had sort of ignorantly put aside for awhile: Humans are generally rather shitty animals. They are shitty to one another, shitty to the environments they live in and even shitty to themselves.