
LOLZ- yeah, its hilarious that you brain dead motherfuckers don’t know a disphit when you see one- namely the orange puppet you got brainwashed into voting for.

No. Fuck you clowns. If you voted for Trump then you voted for a piece of shit. You want to argue with me? You go for it because you’ve got nothing. Nothing because that orange puppet this very moment is launching a stupid ass “investigation” into what he claims is “millions of people who commited voter fraud” when

Go fuck yourself.

This is such a load of horse shit.

Spelling was never my best skill...

Uh... that makes absolutely no sense. Are you suggesting superfund sites aren’t a big deal? We are talking about places like Hanford Washington where a large supply of the country’s nuclear weapons plutonium was generated which is now littered with leaky tank farms full of toxic nuclear waste. You are very correct: it

... and we’re still dealing with the legacy of that period before the EPA too. The biggest superfund site in the US is the Hudson river: still heavily polluted by PCBs dumped in it for decades by businesses that have been shut down for decades.

What concerns me is that its clear from what Trump’s clowns assume the EPA controls emissions and that’s it. They also oversee things like superfund sites and the categorization and classification of chemicals and other manmade substances. They are much more than just an emissions regulatory agency and more of a

So I’m going to guess this thing gets around 6-8MPG.

probably not.... ideal!

Volt owner here:

Not sure what hoops and sticks have to do with marbles but oh well. I’m game.

Trump is proof that Republicans are totally full of shit. For years they’ve brayed about “ Big gubbermint” sticking its hands in business- that businesses should be permitted to go about making money with no interference.

I saw one on the freeway for the first time yesterday. They actually look pretty decent and they’re bigger in person than I would have thought.

My Father in law would take old VW bugs and stick a crap ton of batteries in the floor. This was back in the 70's and early 80's, and he drove the thing to work for years.

Years ago I went to the Museum of Science and Energy in Oak Ridge, TN. Oak Ridge National Labs ( ORNL ) also worked on a number of side projects and one was also one of these flywheel type vehicles. They even had the proptotype there and it too was also made in and around 1980.

The reality is that its actually never really been “great”. I’ve asked my Grandmother, my Mom, Dad, and Uncles. All throughout their lives, whether it was in the 30's, 40's, 50's, 60's, 70's and so on there have always been periods of prolonged stagnation, recession, and even a depression. The idea of being “great” is

This is unconstitutional. Plain and simple.

You’re fucking kidding me, right? Trump is a godamned crybaby who whines and complains anytime anyone says anything against him. He is a pathetic excuse of a human and you guys chose “that”... so what does that say about you?

I am not fooled!