
No but I will glad pay you Tuesday for a Hamburger today.

The waves would be moving a lot slower then. That and there would be no need for snow plows. The cars would stick to the roads.

Whoa there buddy, If you want to act like an adult and have a discussion, whether it be over a topic or opinion we either agree upon or not I am of course always happy to engage.

Because the value simply isn’t there, that’s why. There is absolutely no way that this watch cost even a small fraction of what it took to produce it.

I’d prefer the infamous James Bond weapon where you press a button and $999,999,01 came out of the slot. Then I’d gladly but it.

If you pay a million dollars for a watch then you’re a goddamned idiot, even if you are a billionaire.

Well, there is a lot of focus on the hacking of the DNC, but there is a lot more to it then just that. In recent days its been made clear that Russia made a very concerted effort to negatively affect the Hillary campaign for the specific aid of the Trump campaign, whether it be misinformation campaigns and news, to

The car the biker hit AND the motorcyclist were going way to fucking fast. Both are equally guilty from what I saw.

Thank the Russians for what? For hacking our servers? I’m not sure “thanking” is the correct term to use when another foreign body steals state owned data...

So are you saying that its ok that they meddled in our election?

I dunno.... maybe something having to do with them meddling in our elections?

Nah, not likely. I got to drive a Model S a year ago and the guy who owned it let me take it out on the freeway. I floored the thing on and off the ramp. Holy crap was it fast. But it didn’t seem to make a difference in range from what I could see.

Whatever. 70k, 100k.... 7k is still peanuts considering what kind of income the buyer of such cars make and how little that tax incentive does for them financially.

I can assure you tax rebates have very little to do when it comes to people buying these. A Tesla costs $100k. A $7k write off isn’t exactly a real carrot dangling down...

I have actually never seen someone in a Tesla drive the cars fast or accelerate them super aggressively, and I live here in the Bay Area where they’re as common as minivans. So its sort of like what was the point? If I owned one you better bet I’d be launching that thing at stop lights. Then again probably a good

You know what’s funny? I farted. Know what’s even funnier? I farted twice. Because if one fart is funny then two farts is TWICE as funny.

Actually, sad but true, but if we want to get Trump to lose the next election, no better way then for us to have a nice, old-fashioned recession. Yup. That really is it. What needs to happen is that stocks take a big dump, companies lay off tons and tons of people, Americans start losing their homes and savings, and

Actually the bigger joke was me reading your comment.

Its a joke until the OP responds defensively, which they did. Hence un-joke. I win.

Yes. Hilarious. I just farted BTW.