
If ever more true words were spoken. I leave you with the following. 

You know what dude? I’m sorry. I can’t help you because you sound like a moron, and I tend to avoid such brash statements. But its clear you lack any kind of sensory abilities. I don’t even know how to express how stupid and childish your comments sound. Its truly mind boggling.

Did you not just read what I said? better yet- read what the guy just said. He said that Buzzfeed would “ Suffer the consequences”. That is a threat. Are you that dense or are you as I mentioned- too brainwashed and in lockstep with your little Dictator?

I used to run 0W-30 oil in my racing mower ( yes... I know... ) but anyway we ran these engines HARD and they ran a LOT better on 0W-30 than on anything else. It seemed to allow the engine to accelerate and decelerate much smoother. I ran the same engine with it without an overhaul for 5 seasons.


Trump actually threatened Buzzfeed yesterday, claiming there would be “consequences”. Yes- he in fact did say that. Do you see the problem here? And secondly, Trump has REPEATEDLY done this over and over, even when his threats are over reports that later turned out to be true. When the President chooses to do so his

Oh, so you’re all for “slappin’ down the media” huh? So fucking ironic isn’t it? You fucking conservatives blathered on and on about FREEEDDOM! and all that shit for years and now here you show you true colors, going full throttle against the Constitution and its promise of freedom of the press. Fuck you.

You’re a godamned idiot. Every single one of you Trump supporters are nothing more that a bunch of brainwashed, stupid ass motherfuckers who will happily believe all of the horse shit your little AM talk shows tell you.

No we didn’t and fuck you...

We need to hear MORE from people like you. I am a Democrat but at this point I don’t see Trump as anything other than a tyrant under no party at all. We are only going to get through this thing if more of us from BOTH sides start talking about it.

Somehow this press conference showed up on my facebook feed. I read a few of the comments, mostly from various supporters. If some of you haven’t seen something like this I suggest you look because its rather scary.

His followers don’t care though. The rest of us knew he was a crazy lunatic from day one. They worship his every fucking word- insane or not...


This folks is how it begins. When the press becomes supressed then that is a classic first sign of authoritarianism.

He denies everything. So of course its totally true.

I say this as a Southerner. Sessions is just a fucking redneck. Sure. He’s wearing a suit and has a law degree. Who cares. He’s still godamned piece garbage.

Me too. Its because I still cannot fathom how there are really that many people in this country who clearly lack any brain matter in their skulls.

... and your attempt to sound intelligent is very charming. Like I said before, provide me with a legitimate response and you will get a more measured answer...

This year’s show somehow seems really boring and devoid of anything that interesting. Depressing as I always look forward to this show every year.

60 years ago many Americans thought it was perfectly fine to not allow other Americans to use the same water fountains or eat at the same lunch counter. That doesn’t mean they were right.