
Actually, its more like you trump drones are already fucked. And I hope that when Trump takes office, you and every single one of you dipshits who voted for him lose your healthcare, your benefits, and your jobs. Because you deserve it.

Sounds like you work with a bunch of dipshits then.

And you can go hark on a sack of dogshit, fuckface.

You should have had a “point” to begin with. As such your response is both null and void. Next...

You said it better than I did. I can tell they tried and there are parts of it that even look good. But its just a big mishmash of stuff, which for some reasons seems to be a thing with Hyundai/Kia these days.

Jesus that’s awful looking!

First of all the design is sort of all over the place. Its like a Mazda had sex with a Maserati and the outcome wasn’t great. Second, Kia needs to redesign their logo. While the current design worked great for shitty econo-cars it now looks goofy and out of place on cars like this.

Believe it or not I was born in 1977. I just think the car looks ugly, that’s all...

It really is. I “wanted” to like that bike but man, even in real life the things are just horribly ugly looking.

I’m not as old as my car actually. Pushing 40. I just don’t like this design. It looks overdone.

Well, ok... expressed in another way, to me the design looks grossly over-done, which is reminiscent in a way as to how I sometimes see some of the fart can cars around where I live, where all kinds of crap is stuck to them to make them look better in the eyes of the owner but to everybody else looks sort of cheap and

False parity and you know it. Something about Trump’s very first statements on the first day of his campaign about “building a wall” should have instantly given someone with a degree of common sense the ability to think Trump was a moron. That and the mountain of other truly awful things he said and did after that

Ok. Let’s get in the time machine ( scooby doo sounds) and go back to the 50's. 1958 to be exact.

That’s a whole lotta’ money for something that looks like a really glamourous fart-can-mobile...

I can’t take this seriously. They’ve been floating this stupid idea for a new bus for decades now.

If you voted for Trump you clearly lack intellectual fortitude.

They look like the same car!

Oh Shit! Dude, I am really, really sorry about that! Yes, totally wrong person! Sorry!

I will break my promise and un-block you temporarily: So this just in: Apparently its now official. Vladmir Putin specifically targeted the US election AND did so to help ensure Trump won. That’s right- you were fooled and tricked. Tricked by the Russians into voting for a guy to help the Russians- not the US. And

I feel sorrow for your ignorance. And apparently so too are the many others responding to you. Maybe you should wonder why.