
I feel sorry for you. 

I learned something new! I never knew what that was for. As a kid I thought maybe it would mean the sound quality would be more... “metallic?” Anyway, I would press it and nothing happened so I never thought much of it.

It would be a dreadful mistake to assume that what Trump stands for is “winning”

First of all, are you from the South? I ask because the decimation you describe there isn’t happening. In fact for the last 30+ years the South has been on a growth trend. Nissan, Toyota, BMW, Mercedes, Hyundai, Kubota Tractors, Ford, GM, DENSO, John Deere, Volkswagon, ThyssenKrupp to name a few all have major

Wasn’t that sleeving process called the “Reynolds” process? I recall that those engines would just about shake themselves to death as a result.

The cars give me a nasty taste in my mouth too. Basically its cars like the Vega and Pinto that ruined the public’s perception of American cars for DECADES- as in its only been maybe in the last 10 years or less that folks are finally, but slowly coming back to those brands. But for decades the opinion was that

Interesting that Trump- who ran on the GOP ticket- a party that has blamed Democrats and liberals for being too much like communists and socialists- is exhibiting some rather socialist type behavior these days. Yes... ALL cars better be made here! Or else!

I am going to be serious for a moment. Perhaps you will understand where I am coming from. But before I begin, I appologize for what I have said to you. So please read this with an open mind.

Good. Because after you lose your healthcare, your social security, your medicare, and the country goes into recession and you lose your job, I will be sitting back and laughing my ass off at you. You deserve it and I hope all of the above happens to all of you who voted for that guy. Me? Won’t make a bit-o-difference

You know... whatever happened to Japanese industrial design period? I was born in the late 70's and all while I was growing up in the 80's it seemed that no matter what it was- whether it was a VCR, TV set, Camera, car, or pencil sharpener if it was from the likes of Sony, Panasonic, Nissan or JVC the things always

These cars were beyond awful even when brand spanking new. Not only were the engines very prone to blowing head gaskets, but these were made right around the time GM was having some serious labor and union issues. I’ve heard stories where soda cans or bottles were left inside the doors, bolts and screws were simply

This is so fucking stupid. No really. As in the costs would be in the trillions. So bravo to these mindless fucks! bravo! Yeah, so instead of doing something actually useful with the country’s money- like repairing the something like 80% of our bridges that are falling apart, let’s build it on some damned wall that

You who supported Trump will be collectively partially responsible for whatever Trump’s admin does. Just remember that.

Thank you. Outstanding comments.

No offense... but there were a great deal many other grossly negative items concerning Trump other than his political policies....

I would repeat precisely the same as I said above seeing as how Trump’s economic plans are just as equally alarming and damaging to the country...

You and others need to stop trying to figure this out. Trump is an idiot with a tweeter account who by the miraculous combination of our still healthy supply of grossly uneducated voters and foreign maniupulation has somehow become our President. The absolute worst possible outcome has happened and its time to stop

Still a pretty fugly looking car.

Perhaps you learned something new today: Liberals cuss too.

No assumptions my friend. If you voted for Trump then you are in fact a fool. A fool who lapped up every single lie told by Trump. Because you are weak.